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There are two view points...
by Pankaj Mohan on Aug 15, 2006 09:17 PM  Permalink 

One school of thought will say Bipasha did the right by protesting during the parade itself. The other point of view would hold her guilty however, for not having wiated until the end of the celebrations. What was the fault of those 10K Indians, most of whom had gathered just due to their true love for home soil.

Bipasha could have waited for the parade to get over, and then stayed on to file a criminal charge. If you have got enough guts to complain, then you should have some patience and desire as well to take the fight up to its logical conclusion. We listen to too many protesters in India, anyway. If anything lacks, then it's the desire to have a decisive fight. Bipasha could have at least gone a step forward than merely leaving a celebrating Indian mass shocked and dismayed.

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Bipasha and Indian Parade
by stu on Aug 15, 2006 08:34 PM  Permalink 

The one who is proffessional in showing body than acting talent, who has contributed in spoiling the youth of the country, is called by organisers for Independence day parade . . .shame on them.
Can organisers give one good reason to call on her?
Have they checked her record ? One can easily know why they called her, they wanted a piece of her, well they got it.
The matter will be suppressed soon.

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by Indian_Girl on Aug 15, 2006 08:22 PM  Permalink 

More shocking than the headlines were the comments!! So what if Bipasha were to strip on screen? No one has a right to violate her privacy against her wish!
Shocking are the thoughts of men even in this generation!! Even a prostitue has a right to cry rape!

Even after so many years of independence, the women of India are still not free. The day men realize that women have a right to say \"NO\%

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by Indian_Girl on Aug 15, 2006 08:19 PM  Permalink 

More shocking than the headlines were the comments!! So what if Bipasha were to strip on screen? No one has a right to violate her privacy against her wish!
Shocking are the thoughts of men even in this generation!! Even a prostitue has a right to cry rape!

Even after so many years of independence, the women of India are still not free. The day men realize that women have a right to say \"NO\", that is the day India would have got its true FREEDOM.

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women dignity...................................
by vinay on Aug 15, 2006 08:17 PM  Permalink 

it is a matter of women dignity and respect if this is happining with leading bollywood star then, there is big question mark in the security of other womens.

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by Why on Aug 15, 2006 08:03 PM  Permalink 

Bipasha was called to get peoples attention and get more people to parade otherwise, if some corrupt/ugly politician was no one was going to see him/her . These organizers may have thought that calling Bipasha allows them to act fresh with her. These men are cheap/disrespectful and should be ashamed but due to their characterlessness they wil never be....These crazy people sucks and are disgrace to Indian community

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Bipasha's complaints
by XYZ on Aug 15, 2006 07:30 PM  Permalink 

I am not saying whether Bipasha is right or wrong because she has breached her contract. The point is that two Indian men harassed her, and I don't think she will lie on this. And I am pretty sure, these cheap Indian men who assaulted her have never worked in Corporate America, they must be selling fruits and vegetables on the streets of New York or owning a motel/restaurant. Because, if they had worked in Corporate America (which follows strict guidelines on sexual harassment), they wouldn't have dared to do such an act and had been laid off long back.

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by sue on Aug 15, 2006 07:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Stop saying shit about bipasha. Whatever image she has on screen she still have her self respect . Nobody will announce in front of million people that she was harrased mentally as well as physically. Bipasha comes as a strong person from all the aspects of her life. So definately something happened that she has to announce this . Men please give some respect to females.... u have your wives and daughters at home too.

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by Sandy on Aug 17, 2006 10:03 AM  Permalink
I cannot just respect a lady just bcoz she is attractive.
Its very much possible that Bips has doen this for publicity and nothing else.Where is the official police compliant ? Tell me.
These kind of people Rakhi sawan,Bipasha,Neha etc. etc. just run after money shedding all their morals and deserve no respect.

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