i am a great fan of Bipasha and admire her guts to reveal her trauma in front of a large gathering. in a country like India where physical abuse on women go unnoticed and many a times unreported, this Indian women stood up to the truth without any guilt or fear. it is an irony that on one hand we brag about 21st century, new developements, changing cultures and so on, and on the other hand, we fail to give women their due respect and treat them equal to men. men who abuse women dont give another thought before committing the heinous crime. it does not occur to them that their behaviour, which lasts probably a few minutes, could prove a lifetime trauma for the victim.
Is this how our women are treated??? unbelivable... even in a "free" country like US.
I would say she should press for criminal proceedings there in US, atleast it is assured that the guilty will be punished. she has come forward and said it.. that is a big deal.. most of them would have suffered in silence.