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way to go firebird
by Anup Thomas on Aug 15, 2006 04:25 AM  Permalink 

*Applause* *Applause*

Truth be told. Truth behold.
Hear ye! O sandheaded,
A woman, A woman
Standin' up! Standin' up!
Truth be told. Truth behold.
All the "men", hear! hear!,
One more Jhansi ki Rani
to show you to stand in dignity
Righteousness and truth it is
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya!

- man I must stop smokin that stuff, lol-

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Bipasha's harrasment - Whats the truth?
by Sreenivasan Pylore on Aug 15, 2006 03:11 AM  Permalink 


Bipasha was late & is trying to cover it up with this false story. Indian celebrities are known for their indiscipline & tardiness.

If she is speaking the truth, why did she not file a complaint so far? She has to just dial 911 & it takes few minutes.

In my opinion, SHE IS LYING.


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Bipasha Basu's story
by rahul on Aug 15, 2006 02:47 AM  Permalink 

I don't believe Bipasha could be molested in US. My best guess is she got late because of whatever reason and to save herself from being sued by the organizers she is creating this drama. If she was really molested, why did she not call 911 immediately or report to the police? She has time and energy to talk to public like this but why is she shying away from seeking help from US police? This is just another incident of the Bollywood stars who never care for anybody's time and take their commitments lightly. They not only bring a bad name to themselves but we as Indians living in the US are ashamed of this amateurish behavior. It is time when we should stop inviting these Bollywood stars to US altogether.

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Bipasha complains for this.... cant believe it
by SR on Aug 15, 2006 01:35 AM  Permalink 

Now Where do these Actresses get respect. Your Profession and the deeds which u show in front of the Camera to a large number of audiences do not expect any respect....

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Cultural events abroad
by Suman Nanda on Aug 15, 2006 12:51 AM  Permalink 

Unfortunately a lot of cultural events are arranged by uncultured folks. A female artist being misbehaved is not a one-off event. Bipasha may be having a sultry image as an actress, but that is only a screen image. The real Bipasha is a dignified woman. She should be respected for that.

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I was harassed in US, says Bipasha Basu
by Bharat on Aug 15, 2006 12:43 AM  Permalink 

If it is Bipasha or Mallika Sherawat.The occasion is independence day parade.Whoever is the guest or particpant everybody and evry indian should be respected.First we all are Indians,a true Indian always respect woman, whatever profession she is in. If harassement is true accused should be severly punished.
Even though it is out of scope of issue.Some one is saying bipasha is popular for exposing, then people should condemn then itself. Why you are entertaining it and now speaking like a gentleman.I am not pointing to any one I am talking about people try show themselves as gentlemen but who are not in real.

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Shame on them
by Radhika on Aug 15, 2006 12:21 AM  Permalink 

It is really deplorable that some Indians outside India can behave in this despicable manner. It only exposes their double standards on Life. Bipasha is a professional actress who does her job well, it is shame that there are people who cannot respect that and think they can pass judgement on her Life.They should examine their own lives before they pass judgement on others.

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