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another mistake
by krishna on Oct 20, 2005 04:57 PM  Permalink 

The name of the first film directed by Rasool is Okariki Okaru and not Oka Oorilo . The reviewer should first have sound knowledge of films before writing the reviews

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by ADITYA on Oct 19, 2005 05:58 PM  Permalink 

I didn't understand how one can write a review without knowing name of the film.the review says its not a good film but ends with ,watch the film for the rest.so what is revier's idea.a bad film is recomended to viewers??.I didnt watched the film.But heard that its ok. not so bad film.

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Cinema name mentioned is wrong
by Srikanth on Oct 19, 2005 02:17 PM  Permalink 

The review is written about Filem "Bageerata" no as it was mentioned "Oka Orrilo"

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Stop reviewing Telugu movies
by kiran on Oct 18, 2005 09:45 PM  Permalink 

For god sake stop reviewing Telugu movies or fire Anuradha and hire somebody better.This review is full of silly mistakes.Crazy girl cant blame her.

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by ramesh on Oct 18, 2005 10:43 AM  Permalink 

Its not Oka Oorilo.......it is BAGIRATHA..the new movie of Ravi Theja...

and for ur kind information.B Anuradha .....Oka Oorilo..stars Tharun...

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What a heck??
by srinivas on Oct 18, 2005 07:51 AM  Permalink 

This movie is supposed to be "Bageeratha". It would be nice for the reviewer if he has a bit more concentration on what he is writing about. If not please refrain from writing , nobody is pleading for that.

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by Prashanth on Oct 18, 2005 01:55 AM  Permalink 

This review is extremely senseless.....firstly, the movie's name is not "Oka oorilo", its "Bhageeratha", secondly, Rasool's previous film was "Okariki Okaru", not "oka oorilo"....dunno where the hell this author got that name from, thats another movie released a while ago and directed by somone else. I sincerely request the author of this review, Anuradha, to stop ridiculing herself with such senseless, clueless reviews. This is not the first time she's doing like this. Can someone in the rediff team help her get some sanity???

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Blatant Blunders !!
by Pankaj on Oct 18, 2005 01:41 AM  Permalink 

Who ever has written this review atleast needs to check out the name of the movie.
This movie is "Bhageeratha" not "Oka Oorilo".
One doesn't expect such kind of blunders from ur side.

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