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rip off
by orangewed on May 26, 2008 08:45 PM  Permalink 

this article is a complete rip off from the sunday telegraph. plagiarism ....

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weak dollar
by jack on May 26, 2008 07:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The dollar is weaking internationally, so the American are manipulating in crease oil prices -they control the prices, though the Arabs produce it.

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RE:weak dollar
by Rajendra Rao on May 26, 2008 09:12 PM  Permalink
Look- that does not make sense at all- weaking dollar has nothing to do with it.

The facts are: Speculators on one hand are driving up the price; Global demand is increasing for petroleum and finally (as reported by National Geographic couple of years ago), we have hit the peak oil production and there will be a decrease in output in future. Do not be surprised if oil hits $ 200/ barrel by end of the year.

We are all paying the price for mistakes made by bad leadership- The main culprit is Bush, who is waging psuedowar against Iraq costing us so far 2 trillion dollars, and what a BS- all in the name of staying in power at any cost.

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RE:weak dollar
by Sanjeeb Sircar on May 26, 2008 11:17 PM  Permalink
Dony blame Bush.
Blame Islamic Terroism.

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Why crude oil price is zooming
by Prabhashankar Deo on May 26, 2008 07:27 PM  Permalink 

Good article... slightly technical, but explains things well.. i hope it does not touch 150 or 400 dollars!

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