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Tara Tiny, Tara Titu , Tara Shuttle and Tara Carrier
by a m on Mar 18, 2008 09:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

1) Does that 40 Paise per KM include cost
of electricity for recharging?
2) Looks very old fashioned.
Looks matter a lot with buyers.
3) Secondly, why not reduce cost
by keeping straight shapes
instead of so many curves?

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RE:Tara Tiny, Tara Titu , Tara Shuttle and Tara Carrier
by Greywolf on Mar 18, 2008 10:33 PM  Permalink
curves make it sexy dear.. sex sells ... lol

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its high time india shows its middle finger to gulf
by CG GANG on Mar 18, 2008 09:15 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

we need to find and research for an alternate to oil .. to hell with the bloody gulf

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Message deleted by moderator
by sundara reddy on Mar 18, 2008 09:12 PM  Permalink 

need of the hour is to reduce fuel cost and it is in our national interst,such cars may do well for thecountry

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tara cars
by Sridhar on Mar 18, 2008 08:50 PM  Permalink 

it seems the photograph has taken from some garrage. this is not announced by the company

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by George on Mar 18, 2008 08:04 PM  Permalink 

Look at the background of these cars pics. Seems that pics were taken in some kind of junk yard...

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by karthik on Mar 18, 2008 07:56 PM  Permalink 

I think the govt should make the autowallahs in our country dump their autos and buy these cars instead, since the running cost is very less. it will be lesser for people too to pay the autowallahs then. since these cars have lesser capability than a nano but more than an auto, it will be a success.

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dont u have any work telling the same story hundred times with different headings
by deepak s on Mar 18, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Is this news first of all confirmed.
why r u making people day dream
Is this news from Tara itself
first let Tara say this openly then u can publish

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RE:dont u have any work telling the same story hundred times with different headings
by Starlin Selvasingh on Mar 18, 2008 08:02 PM  Permalink
Yes you are right, First let the official annoucement come from Tara

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dont u have any work telling the same story hundred times with different headings
by deepak s on Mar 18, 2008 07:18 PM  Permalink 

Is this news first of all confirmed.
why r u making people day dream
Is this news from Tara itself
first let Tara say this openly then u can publish

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Electric motor
by Jagdishchandra Desai on Mar 18, 2008 06:33 PM  Permalink 

It will benefit those who cannot drive geared vehicles.This should have come before 5 decades. This is too late. In England, such vehicles are used for milk delicery van, as it didnot make any noise.And, here in India, people purposely make loud horn to harress neighbours.I will be fortunate to have such car, because, till now I wasnot having salry enough as serving co-operative dairy industry.
I will be able to enjoy my retiring life after 2009.
J.M. Desai,

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future of automotive
by ittiran manoj on Mar 18, 2008 06:02 PM  Permalink 

Its too early to write off a novel idea.

When Graham Bell demonstrated telephone, many people phooh phooed it inculding the then US president, saying 'marvellous invention but who would ever want to use it !! '

So folks, you never know whats going to be a turning point.

Some one taking a road less travelled, if you cannot join him, atleast don't throw mud...

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