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Luks funny!
by sangeetha naresh on Mar 20, 2008 09:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I wonder whether will it start first ;)

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RE:RE:Luks funny!
by Kamalaksh on Mar 21, 2008 05:56 AM  Permalink
you cant invest on auto industry if your cars donot start!

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The Only Nice Thing about the Chinky The Tara Titu ...
by Shake Hasina on Mar 19, 2008 03:59 PM  Permalink 

The Only Nice Thing about
the Chinky The Tara Titu is
it's eyes.

Instead of slits this freak
has heart-shaped eyes !

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China Copycat
by proudindian on Mar 19, 2008 07:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Very quickly china will come with duplicat versions of these car products.

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RE:China Copycat
by mrjoko on Mar 19, 2008 03:29 PM  Permalink
These are chinese cars marketed by this pitiable man you fool.....

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Safety concerns for these cars
by Sudip Bhattacharjee on Mar 19, 2008 07:36 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am not sure what will be the safety concerns for these cars. Small cars more unsafe in general. They can overturn very easily. In my opinion, instead of developing small cars for lower price, India should do research to manufacture standard sedan within 100k-150k price range.

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RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by prasanna venkatesh on Mar 21, 2008 12:17 AM  Permalink
It will be a tent in the shape of a car. there will be no metal.. is that ok for you??

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RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by loler Chicken on Mar 21, 2008 01:46 AM  Permalink
abe ... in city why worry abt safety if u can move 5 kms in city traffic in one hour...

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RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by Tamil Indian on Mar 21, 2008 11:59 PM  Permalink
the overturning is not a function of small or big -it is a function of where you have the center of gravity - infact very big SUVs are more prone to overturns

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by Dara sooden on Mar 20, 2008 03:37 PM  Permalink
Dear Donkeys ... The topic is Tata Cars of future not China and Tibet or India merger..

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by prasanna venkatesh on Mar 21, 2008 12:19 AM  Permalink
Nice shot..

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by deepthi sunil on Mar 19, 2008 10:12 AM  Permalink
shhhh..!!! please murmer the truth.. there is lot of CPM/CPI blind followers are here...they don't like to speak or hear against China the big brother... they were Bhai Bhai even in 1962 when china attak india...
If India critise the action of China the left will pull out the support to the government....

Lets pray for them to be loyal to their motherland...Jhai Hind..

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by universe cosmonaut on Mar 19, 2008 07:12 AM  Permalink
All your comments were correct apart from the last one.

Why tibet needs to integrated with india? how come its similar to indian culture.Let them be separated and enjoy the freedom.

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Tara International or the electric cars
by brave bunty on Mar 18, 2008 11:37 PM  Permalink 

It's very good, very cheap affordable to everyone but are there roads to drive these vehicles, are there sufficient electricity to charge these vehicle every now and then. Such news are not important unless and until the roads are made wider without any bump or thuds....only fool will think of buying these cars...............

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Use Standard battery format and Pay Incentives to Petrol Pumps to carry them for quick replacements
by Passed on Mar 18, 2008 11:26 PM  Permalink 

Like Petrol, if cars running by using battery power have standard batteries then it will be much cheaper to produce it in bulk, recharge it from specialized equipments for faster recharging and can be rented as as piece from the existing Petrol pumps. So anytime you need replacement, simply go to petrol pump and with standardized changing patterns, it will be replaced quickly.

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Great innovation
by mahendra ganesan on Mar 18, 2008 10:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We can drive 2Km/Unit of electricity.
One unit of electricity costs 2Rs using Thermal power or Wind or Hydro.

But solar power unit cost is 12 Rs. If we can reduce this to 6 Rs then we can travel 3Rs per kilometer.

And we will have this solar power for millions of years.

This will be great break through to India.

Even if we generate Unit at 12 Rs, It is just 6 Rs per kilometer which is same as petrol.

The petrol costs will double with in few years. So It is a cleaver and intelligent move.

I do not mend if it is coming from CHINA. Atleast India need not bleed too much in petrol costs.

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RE:Great innovation
by Dhanamjaya S on Mar 21, 2008 07:23 AM  Permalink
What you have expressed is true. The cars are environmently friendly only when it is recharged using renewable sources. Otherwise, the net pollution is more. People forget most of electricity produced now is from fossil fuels.

Let's hope for the best!!

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Ethanol and other bio fuels
by ketan dand on Mar 18, 2008 09:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Bio fuels, solar power, wind power are not being harnessed seriously enough by India. This is forcing us to remain slaves of the Gulf and other oil producing countries who have deliberately refused to increase production and keep prices artificially high. India must find a way to reduce our import dependence. Yet our Harvard-educated Finance Minister has still kept the excise duty on hybrid cars higher than those on petrol/ diesel cars!!! Jai Ho Chidambaram ki!! Glory to his Harvard education!

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RE:Ethanol and other bio fuels
by abdul jabbar on Mar 18, 2008 10:21 PM  Permalink

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RE:Ethanol and other bio fuels
by Jiral Parikh on Mar 22, 2008 03:55 AM  Permalink
In USA, hybrid cars are tax free. There are many incentives available if you want to buy bybrid. It has been promoted by lot of celebrities also.
So, shut your mouth!!!

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Its Great
by mahendra ganesan on Mar 18, 2008 09:51 PM  Permalink 

Instead of spending lot of money petroleum refineries and giving petrol in subsidized rate. It would be great idea to generate energy using SOLAR POWER stations to energize these cars under subsidized rates. It will earn billions of dollars in foreign exchange.

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