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Drive these cars
by Bodh Ramdeo on Mar 22, 2008 07:01 AM  Permalink 

Forget about the phoren lineage of the vehicles - are all these guys really so short - or is it just the shot?

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What a rip-off!
by BobbyM on Mar 22, 2008 05:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is a modified Golf Cart ....

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RE:What a rip-off!
by Shake Hasina on Apr 29, 2008 02:55 PM  Permalink

... then your Golf Cart

looks a lot like my Lawn Mower

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Is it asponsored article?
by Deepak Sharma on Mar 22, 2008 04:09 AM  Permalink 

I dont understand the gi gi ga ga over company's owner by rediff. The owner is just a dealer of foreign cars not a inventor or something. The car is not even worth mentioning. Reva is already in the market for so long and its without totaly indiginious. Please write true stories here not sponsored.

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what a speed!!!
by Jiral Parikh on Mar 22, 2008 03:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The maximum speed it can get is 55 kmph (35 mph)!!!
This is a shame!!!
Nobody in the world can imagine that there can be a car which runs at 35 mph. This should not be even called a Car!!!

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RE:what a speed!!!
by P on Mar 22, 2008 04:06 AM  Permalink
Good for Indian roads

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RE:what a speed!!!
by thokka on Mar 22, 2008 06:18 AM  Permalink
that means Indian Roads should be improved.. not make worse cars. FOr gods sake we are paying taxes....

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RE:what a speed!!!
by on May 11, 2008 04:44 AM  Permalink
Dear Jiral Parikh,

Do you think whether a electric car with Max speed at 80km will be better to meet the normal requirment? We can supply such a environmental protection and energy saving two-seat electric car. Please let us know: electroautoe-v@hotmail.com or Skype: majiangwu.

Huoyun Electric car Co.Ltd,China
We specialize in the electric car

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pains to see the comments
by Tamil Indian on Mar 22, 2008 12:03 AM  Permalink 

without applauding someone (who is not a big industralist by birth) that has the guts to come out with a 100% EV we are commenting about its looks etc...

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by hansen on Mar 21, 2008 10:59 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Is this article to degrade TATA or life their image before the launch?

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by Tamil Indian on Mar 21, 2008 11:54 PM  Permalink
please applaud someone for doing this in India - a plug and charge car is the ultimate in pollution free commuting - even in the US they have trashed the idea and are doing it in a pseudo way with hybrids - have you seen who killed the elctric car?

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RE:pollution free?
by Tamil Indian on Mar 21, 2008 11:56 PM  Permalink
guys we need to stop the public hysteria against nuclear power - look at france - and go for nuclear generated electricity and 100% EVs... when are we going to wake up?

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RE:pollution free?
by Raghu on Mar 21, 2008 10:45 AM  Permalink
Any EV is far superior to any Internal combustion engine known today as far as efficiency,noise, pollution and ease of maintenance.It is easier to control and limit the pollution in case case of a large land based power house than millions of smaller automobiles that are distributed everywhere!

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RE:pollution free?
by bhagat singh on Mar 21, 2008 04:41 PM  Permalink
Dear Raghu,

1.As per as efficiency is concern, electric motor don't give more than 80% efficiency and efficiency of a DC motor comes down as it gets heated during operation.And you are using electrical energy to charge your battery, which my be getting generated again in some thermal power plant, so there is also some loss are liked to happen.And when you will add up all these effeciencies, you may find EV is poor in terms of effeciency to a IC vehicle.
2. Noise may be less, but again noise is not a problem as, all IC vehicles comming these days are silent and vibration free
3.Pollution is again linked with effeciency as a whole. More over, where you will dispose the toxic batteries?
4. Maintanace cost may be higher due to high cost of battery and you don't have any choice other than to replace batteries.

So think again which one is more superior.

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RE:RE:pollution free?
by on May 11, 2008 04:50 AM  Permalink
Dear bhagat singh,

Do you think whether a electric car with AC Servo Motor will have better energy efficiency? We can supply such a two-seat electric car, which can be driven above 130km after being charged and energy consumption is 13-16kwhs/100km? Please let us know: electroautoe-v@hotmail.com or Skype: majiangwu.

Huoyun Electric car Co.Ltd, China
We specialize in the electric car

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RE:RE:pollution free?
by Eva Wu on May 08, 2008 03:20 PM  Permalink
Dear Bhagat Singh,

Normally there are 6pcs/1set Lead Acid batteries will be used in a electric cars. And the price for one set with better quailit,such as Korean Phoenix brand, is no more than $1800.00, the life-span is about 2years. As you know, the electric cars are low-maintenace rate except the replace of batteries, so we think the cose of use will be more lower than a gas car. By the way, are you interested a two-seat electric car which is made in China and have been successfully launched into USA market? Please contact us for detail: electroautoe-v@hotmail.com or Skype: majiangwu

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by hansen on Mar 21, 2008 09:16 AM  Permalink 


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disgusting looks
by mumbai@26 on Mar 21, 2008 12:33 AM  Permalink 

the looks and colour combination are pathetic

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Yuck! Who came up with that design?
by G on Mar 20, 2008 10:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Tata Titu design looks awful. The front looks more like old style tempo! It clearly lacks the style, not sure about the substance.

There designers must be working on a salary of Rs. 99/month, I guess! :)

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RE:Yuck! Who came up with that design?
by saurabh bhardwaj on Mar 21, 2008 12:02 AM  Permalink
its Tara not Tata

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RE:Yuck! Who came up with that design?
by Sanjay Badshah on Mar 22, 2008 04:47 AM  Permalink
It sure is a Yuck looking car. These guys need to have some sense of creativity looks.

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RE:Yuck! Who came up with that design?
by Kamalaksh on Mar 21, 2008 05:54 AM  Permalink
at Rs 99k donot expect the car to look like bmw.

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