RE:Last year rediff came with car driving on Air as fuel ..
by raja Janardhan on Mar 25, 2008 11:54 AM Permalink
do you still remember that guy who gave herbal fuel? great memory dude.
The company's effort in creating electric vehicles is note worthy. Though it all depands on quality and life of battery system and it's traction, future is sure to depand on these. If taxes on these pollution free vehicle could be taken out by the govt...
Finance Ministry should waive all taxes on cheap fuel vehicles. Excise, Customs, service tax, vat, boot taxes are killing. it is pick pocketing the poor mans pocket. Indirect taxes are not aware of the comman man. finance minister is the culprit to inflation in the Indian economy. Because of illetaracy in economics this is happening. Pushing the revenue by any means driving the economy to inflation. The revenues mostly going to the pockets of politicians & governament officials. It is not going to hard working farmers nor the development. Service tax to be abondoned. service means not the manufacture sector. But manufacture sector being penalised with many taxes apart while going to the customer again service tax to be paid no meaning. Their should be a legislation when ever the finance minister is the instrument to do all this he should be punished even after their tenure without any hesitation. VENKATESWARLU YELAMADDI C/O PRAKASA RAO BRANCH POST MASTER MANCHUKONDA VILLAGE, KHAMMAM, ANDHRA PRADESH
There is nothing new about the 17 tips. The question is how far people take them seriously given the inherent nature of casualness of people in general.So, considering the seriousness of the problem what is needed is a total SHIFT in our TRANSPORT MODE by the people and a PARADIGM SHIFT in the govt. policy. Just imagine a country of over one billion people as developed as the U.S ! What will be the amount of Fossil fuel needed and its environmental impact !Would it not be simply catasstropic !It is time we switch to Electric bikes, cars and govt. policies also encourage these & Public Transport and discourage buying of Petrol & Diesel vehicles. Is the Govt. prepared to catalyse production and use of these vehicles ? What is needed is futuristic attitudes of people and govt. policies on these and not mere window dressin
y r u showing one article in 10 different pages so that ppl go on clicking the NEXT button? u can definitely give full article in a single page alongwith all the photos. it vl b easy to read then.
Tara Shuttlelooks like a winner..if properly marketed, in identified targeted areas... like a. Housing colonies to main roads, b. Rly stations to bus stands, c. Highways to villages, d. In house transportaion with-in universities, industries, Zoos, airports that its utility is gauzed properly and utilized. our growing population needs a utility vehecle for shorter hauls, for quicker connectivity.
i have no comments.. but have a question.. please the learned one reply it.. question is: Who in this world designed this car?? (it looks like a 1950's bus!!!)
RE:how dumb!! what about the pollution to make electricity?
by on May 11, 2008 04:32 AM Permalink
Dear harish prakash,
Do you think whether one two-seat electric car for short distance transportation or shopping can meet your requirement, which can be driven above 130km after being charged and energy consumption is 13-16kwhs/100km? Please let us know: or Skype: majiangwu.
Huoyun Electric car Co.Ltd We specialize in the electric car
RE:how dumb!! what about the pollution to make electricity?
by Arijit Ghose on Mar 23, 2008 12:52 AM Permalink
It causes no pollution while operating.... the electricity generation pollution will always be there...