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Good idea - nice effort
by Badri je ram on Oct 13, 2008 03:07 PM  Permalink 

This car seems to be better alternative to any transport. Good efforts taken. I am eagerly awaiting for the car. India surely requires one such car for city commute.

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by avis junkesh on Aug 07, 2008 07:26 PM  Permalink 

Can I get these 2 wheelers to buy and get in USA? If so, let me know.

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These are Chinese Vehicles
by s s on Jun 28, 2008 04:04 PM  Permalink 

Its not his idea, not even his research, manufacturing or development.
Tara is just assembling imported Chinese kits.
Read the full article.

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gov should help the petrol/ disel rickshaw owner buying this
by Pramod Borse on May 19, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink 

gov should help the petrol/ disel rickshaw owner buying this. such Cars will be very useful for local transport in any city

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by Sonali Bhowmick on Apr 29, 2008 02:51 PM  Permalink
Why are you targetting bengalis now ? Which part of the country r u from ? Why can't you think as an Indian? What made you distinguish between bengali & Indian. All are same. Kindly change your sick mentality and then post your valuable comment.People should get benifited from your comments.

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by ramachandran nair on Apr 29, 2008 03:23 PM  Permalink
well said sonali -we are indians, brijesh, it appears to be mentally sick. Takethe things in
right perspective. It is the habit of certain mindless people to criticise whoever comes in their ways.

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by Suparna Chaudhury on Apr 29, 2008 02:32 PM  Permalink
what do u mean by cheap bengalis? you do not need to get personal and attack on any community, simply voice your opinion on the technology and give in a decent entry. I think in this era of global warming this is a good idea to begin with.

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by Indian on Apr 29, 2008 03:45 PM  Permalink
I think you are a frustrated tata employee, must be working as a sales boy fo tata nano

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hello mr ganguly,
by jayasingh r on Mar 30, 2008 09:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

congratulation for your innovative thinking and for launching an excellent car in india. Continue your reserch and launch more excellent products.

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RE:hello mr ganguly,
by Brijesh on Apr 13, 2008 08:17 AM  Permalink
These are all 3RD Class IDEAS. Like the way the Yo Bykes have become so successful in India same will happen to Tara Tiny etc. These are all CHEAP BENGALI TRICKS.

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RE:hello mr ganguly,
by AYAN MUKHERJEE on Jun 04, 2008 02:57 PM  Permalink
Agreed this is Trick but this trick will help the economy and thousands of people will save oil which is good. Can you play some trick to make yourself more matured before writing all these unmeaningful comments

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RE:RE:hello mr ganguly,
by Shivangi Verma on May 19, 2008 07:22 PM  Permalink
EXCUSE ME!!! how dare you speak ill of something which is tryin to improve the worse conditions of ppl paying hefty amnts on petrol/diesel...HAVE YOU ever done something innovative and useful...

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Re: hello mr ganguly,
by Indian Telugu on Sep 10, 2008 08:54 PM  Permalink
I really would like to know how many 1st class ideas are invented by Hindi People though

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Tara Tiny - an eco friendly car
by ashish mahajan on Mar 28, 2008 01:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Mr. Ganguly,
Congratulation & Thanks for this innovative & energy saving ideas.

If Tara International launch the car which has a stand-by fuel system then only people can think more deeply to buy & use these electric cars.

Tara Tiny has a capacity to run max 120km/charging i.e. 8 hrs. if someone is going outside the town more than 120km then how he can run this car????

also we live in maharashtra where elctric load shading is a routine, how we could able to charge the battery daily 8 hrs.

or is there any stand-by battery which we can use if the original battery get discharged.

this problem can solve by Hybrid Car Technology.
like LPG, CNG, Petrol.

please do something regarding this issue.
we are eagurly waiting to drive your eco-friendly car.

Best Wishes for your project...
-ashish, nagpur

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RE:Tara Tiny - an eco friendly car
by on May 08, 2008 03:02 PM  Permalink
Hi,ashish mahajan,

We suppose the lithium batteries can solve the longer transport distance. By the way, are you interested in the similar model of two-seat electric cars which are made in China and have been successfully launched into USA market? Please contact us for detail: electroautoe-v@hotmail.com or Skype: majiangwu

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Green car ,but still indirectly it is not ECO-FRIENDLY
by ragavendra kotrike on Mar 27, 2008 04:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

MR Ganguly,

I know this car is pollution free since it doesnt emit any smoke but tell me how do you produce electricity?

You produce electricity thru,Thermal Power Stations or Gas Plants or Nuclear Power Station...so indirectly the the environoment is getting affected by utilising these resources and these power station release pollutants into atmosphere.

Could MR Ganguly,Rediff or anyone correct me if am wrong in my argument.

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RE:Green car ,but still indirectly it is not ECO-FRIENDLY
by MktWatcher on May 08, 2008 01:02 AM  Permalink
You are right, But wrong .!
A car manufacturer's duty is to make car that pollutes less.
And it's the duty of electricity manufacturer is to produce electricity by a process that produces less.
if someone takes led other's will follow ,
And you are a typical intelligent Indian who poses crooked questions, but cannot appreciate any good work!

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RE:Green car ,but still indirectly it is not ECO-FRIENDLY
by jp madvaiya on Apr 30, 2008 12:04 PM  Permalink
It is very easy to crticise, but very difficult to suggest improvement. The world has not developed by critics, but by those who improved the earlier versions. Like other improvements, the eco-friendly vehicles will progress, it is need of the day. The creators of such vehicles should think of capturing the energy lost by applying brakes. Megnetic brakes
if designed to produce power to be stored in the battery, may not be done. The aerodynamic propultion can also give power to the battery. The direct transmission from motor to wheel in the vehicles if applied with the centrifugal variator, as are used in gearless scooters, there will be increase in speed and more milage, so to say, higher efficiency. In order to reduce weight these variator gadgets be used of light weight polymer material. Dear Ganguly's effort is commendable and should be further improved.

J.P. Madvaiya, Bhopal

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welcome note for eco veichles
by upendra pani on Mar 25, 2008 12:04 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear sir,I am very happy for the elctronic veichles,you are going to produce ,it is the right time for pollution era.

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