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by v vv on Jun 15, 2008 09:44 AM  Permalink 

Whatever the inflation, and any level the COL goes up, people are not bothered. The hotels, textile shops, jewellery / luxury goods outlets, leading shopping malls are all full, and are constantly exceeding their targets. No problems, people have enough money to spend on anything. Why we need to keep on talking about inflation. It is another economics subject, which has no relevant in todays high-salary economy; it is another subject similar to eco- friendly/environment etc. who cares about the environment. That is the subject some odd scientists, who even uses cars and plastic bags. Hell with these unwanted topics. Let us move on to make more and more money, to meet the ever increasing cost of living. Let everyone make money. Let us enjoy life in todays circumstances, Forget the Past. live for the present, and do not bother much about future. Pray to God, he will take care of everything, including the environment.

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by rohit sharma on Jun 14, 2008 12:03 PM  Permalink 

How many times rediff will raise these news..kaan pak gaye hai yaar..everybody knows that it may tuch to 10% to 12% in future...

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Chidambaram Is Not Responsible
by MS on Jun 14, 2008 02:57 AM  Permalink 

If Chidambaram is not able to control inflation, we should blame BJP or someone dead or alive.

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