Karl Marx was resurrected and came to the USSR. He was shown factories, hospitals, cities and villages, etc. Finally, he requested to be allowed to make a speech on TV. The Politburo hesitated as they were afraid he might say something they wouldn't approve. Marx promised he would say only one sentence. Under this condition, the Politburo agreed. Karl Marx uttered the following sentence: "Workers of all countries, forgive me."
RE:freedom of speech
by SS Kumar on Jun 05, 2008 09:43 PM Permalink
This reminds me of the first prize the Russian daily Pravda put out for the best political joke in Russia, at the height of communism: 13 years !! (behind bars !!)
The Left has been criticising the UPA (Useless People's Association)government's CMP ever since it started backing it. Left's behaviour is like a barking dog (does not bite). The govt. had increased prices of petroleum products many times, but the Left is left in lurch - unable to take a concrete decision whether to support the govt or not. It has fears that it would lose the interim elections if withdrawn support - a selfish party with no common sense attitude (CSA). They are fooling the people by adopting bandh every time the prices are soaring - an eyewash. If they are true communist, they should quit enmasse from parliament and face the people's verdict to see their fate. Clown communists should stop such gimmicks. You are supporting a wrong government for your selfishness. Stop this. Be sincere to the people. Even if you change your face, your habits never die. Frog and mouse tied their legs, but an eagle took both for its pray. Crocodile tears and blind suppor to Congress will make you both lose in next elections. What will your party ruled states do to overcome such a situation? Will you find some good solution or blame the Centre and befool the people ? Be a true Communist having one ideology(not a 4-part split communist with different ideologiesand getting confused and confusing others). Today's public has seen your colours by now - know you as an empty vessel.
aam aadmi ki pant phati SRK ki daulat badi BCCI ne banayi 5000 crore aam aadmi ki pnat phati
Pyaaz ka bhaav Alu ka bhaav aam aadmi bol raha hain main kya khaav teli teli nikalraha manmohan geet gaaraha aur bolraha hain saamne se cheeti na jayaaye peeche se haathi chala jaaye
yeh kaisa nyay hain yeh kaisa desh hain UPA - Ullu ke Patto ka Association hain aam aadmi ki pant phati aam aadmi ki pant phati
RE:one simple solution
by dengudubabai on Jun 05, 2008 03:27 PM Permalink
Increase the price of Viagra and tax to the hilt then these commies wont be able to do anything. hahahaha Check the ages of each and every commie leader in india every one is in need of aphrodisiac or viagra hahahaha frustrated lot. hahaha
We Indians deserve a kick in our rear. Thanks to our brothers and sisters in Kerala and WB. Commy Hypocracy! How shamelessly these raskals hoodwink the entire nation. They are impotent asssses.
Left party is truely unwise. Pathetic show by them. No brains and agitating for nothing. When the action or agitation should be taken they remain mere spectators and now acting truly like stupid.
We all know that almost 95% of the whole govt machinery uses AMBASSADOR cars. 1. The mileage of an AMBASSADOR car is between 02 kmpl to 10 kmpl.(average would be 4-5 kmpl) 2. Assuming there are 40000 such cars (am sure the number is much more)and the run at 5 kmpl. 3. Assuming the cars run for just 1000 km/month.
Calculation for 01 year:
40000 x 1000 x 12 = 480000000 kms/year
480000000/5 = 96000000 ltrs petrol/diesel
96000000 x Rs 30 (avg) = Rs 2880000000 is the cost to the exchequer. I have assumed a very paltry figures.And I have not even include the unofficial cars being run for the wives & families of govt officials. My serious suggestion is that the govt issue an order to stop the use of ambassador cars which is well within its powers. I know it is a dream to even imagine but I thought I must share it. Jai Hind
Congress and left parties got married in 2004. Three years later there was an ugly child named price rise and inflation born to them. Left party leave the child as orphaned and claim that they are not the father of the child, which means left parties is either impotent or telling lies.