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do the right thing
by Dipak Bose on Jun 06, 2008 09:59 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Increase price of petrol will cause more serious inflation.

Rs.120,000 Crores of direct taxes are uncollected.
Rs.150,000 Crores of loans taken by the rich Indians are uncollected.

all these would be sufficient to cover the subsidies for the public sector oil companies.

Private sector oil companies should be nationalised and their past profits should be confiscated for the public.

The Government earned a fortune from the OIL Pool when the price of oil was low and from the Customs&Excise duties on oil( which is half of the retail price), but it gave these away to the big corporations as tax concessions.

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RE:do the right thing
by Rubin Cherian on Jun 06, 2008 06:45 PM  Permalink
And for everyone's sake, pls tell us when the price of oil was 'low' in the past few (say past 5 ) years so that the govt or the OIL firms could ear a Fortune???

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RE:do the right thing
by Dipak Bose on Jun 07, 2008 09:10 AM  Permalink
Because the domestic price of oil was much higher in India when the international price was much lower. At that time the Govt has earned a fortune to take the difference and also the customs & excise duties on oil, which according to the OIl-POOL criteria should be spend on subsidies when the international price went up. But in India that money was taken away from the OIL-POOL and spend on giving tax reductions for big corporations, Chidambaran's own company is one of them.
This is day-light robbery.

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Right Statistics for Inflation Stop
by Chandra Shekar T on Jun 06, 2008 08:45 AM  Permalink 

Increase Petrol to Rs. 85/- Per Litre
Decrease Diesel to Rs. 8 - 10 Per Litre
No Tax on Diesel
Decrease LPG to Rs. 180/-
Decrease CNG to 18/- Per Litre
Compulsory Conversion of Three wheelers & Personal Cars to CNG, Reduces Pollution
Usage of Public Transport,
Transportation Charges for Trucks reduces thereby reducing Commodities Prices to certain extent.
Wealthy People shall dare to Purchase 85/- Petrol
Reduction in Two Wheeler Moment, Purchasing Power on Vehicles shall be reduced with Increased Petrol Prices or careful usage by Two Wheeler Owners

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Communism should be banned...
by Seshadri on Jun 06, 2008 12:03 AM  Permalink 

It is an irrational ideology...

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oil price hike &left
by HARAPROSAD GHOSAL on Jun 05, 2008 10:25 PM  Permalink 

It is for your kind information that1)left parties/c.p.m are mainly like net worker they
are commited to the party,not nation.
2)the top leaders of c.p.i.m are are not origin
indian,mostly they are banglladeshi.
3)when cpim came into power in bengal in1977
they worked for the poorer secton through land
reforms & panchati raj.upto 1992.
4)now errosion started,the name of reachiest pollitical party &members of nation is c.p.i.m
as according poportionate population of three state of India.pl wait for more....

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Reduce sales tax at State level to lower end user prices
by SS Kumar on Jun 05, 2008 05:58 PM  Permalink 

The communists instead of wasting time on bandhs and ruining everyone's day should focus on work- ing with their Governments in Kerala & West Bengal to reduce tax components at state level like the way Delhi Govt has done. Delhi Govt has restricted price hike in the case of gas cylind- ers to just Rs. 10 instead of Rs. 50. This way they can do something more useful to society.
Perhaps, they can fly next to France to support the striking French lorry drivers.

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price hike in condemnable
by Dhorabh on Jun 05, 2008 05:48 PM  Permalink 

The price hike is unwelcome. The government had other options like reducing taxes - half of the fuel cost is taxes and also the suggstion of further taxing companies with windfall profits. However, the FM and PM kep repeating like a parrot that they have no other option.

While on one hand the Left is agitating against price hike, on the same breadth it is part and parcel of the UPA governemnt that is responsible for the hike. Which is the mask?

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Jane bi do yaaron....
by Avdesh chauhan on Jun 05, 2008 04:35 PM  Permalink 

Renew the currency, there is no need of any taxes or else. Huge black money comes up and and I am sure the people on top and even politician have no guts to do this. “Kyonki 100 mein se 99 beiman fir bhi mera des mahan”. But still I hope this will happen one day…?

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Bandhs in Failed States ?
by dengudubabai on Jun 05, 2008 03:59 PM  Permalink 

Surprising.. Lefts are swinging partners with congress and on the other hand they are having bandh against the policy of UPA in their own failed states of India ?

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Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by Bharat Kumar on Jun 05, 2008 03:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Do you know only 2 percent of Indian population pays income tax? That means you and I have to bear the burden of running the country. The rest 98 percent either shows low income and gets away scot free or does transaction in cash and cheats the nation. The only way out is to make sure everyone of us pays taxes. Hence, indirect taxes should be kept higher to spread the tax burden equally. Today you pay taxes to the tune of 1 Lac per annum and the same is distrubuted among the vote banks by the politicians as if it's their father's legacies... Moreover do you know that MPs take home tax free salaries!!!! This is in additions to all the commissions they take.... Hence, I fully support the increase of petrol price. In fact it should be totally market driven. Also indirect taxes in all comodities should be increased....

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by bee suman on Jun 05, 2008 11:09 PM  Permalink
wrong. 11.68% of indian population in year 2003 was it payer.

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by Dipak Bose on Jun 06, 2008 10:39 AM  Permalink
Rs.120,000 Crores of direct taxes are uncollected.
Rs.150,000 Crores of loans taken by the rich Indians are uncollected.

all these would be sufficient to cover the subsidies for the public sector oil companies.

Private sector oil companies should be nationalised and their past profits should be confiscated for the public.

The Government earned a fortune from the OIL Pool when the price of oil was low and from the Customs&Excise duties on oil( which is half of the retail price), but it gave these away to the big corporations as tax concessions.

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by ugly on Jun 05, 2008 04:45 PM  Permalink
Where did you get this percentage ?? Is your percentage correct?? I am really surprised.

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by Common Admi on Jun 05, 2008 06:14 PM  Permalink
Yes, Mr. Bharat is absolutely correct. It is only the salaried class that gets taxed. Even the big business houses, though they get taxed, but the taxes on their income is much less than what it should actually be because they show a lot of bogus expences.

Their was a proposal earlier that no income tax should be levied on the salaries but sales taxes and other indirect taxes should be increased, which was later shelved.

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by Vivekchand on Jun 05, 2008 06:05 PM  Permalink
Dear Sir, You are under misapprehension that people are not paying taxes. Have you ever thought that how a person will be able to pay any kind of tax leave alone the income tax when he cannot meet both ends. It is the affluent society who does not give tax. Because they know all sort of ideas to escape from paying taxes to the government. Poor people have no knowledge or ideas so they willy nilly pay the tax or rather government squeeze them and collect the tax from them. Moreover an ordinary person also gives taxes by way sales tax/VAT, etc. whenever he purchase goods or material from a shop.It is actually the rich and the corporates who get away scot free. You need to think sincerely and broadly and not to have a narrow thinking about the poor & middle class people. How come you have rightly said the MPs and others enjoying tax free salaries over and above the commissions and allowances and other funds. Even the public money allotted towards development fund (MPLAD) that too many are pocketing. The recent Writing off of farm loans - do u think is there any genuine beneficiary. This is actually a biggest scam behind this. It is very easy to gamble with others money. Enough money is being collected by way of tax. But it should be put to genuine use. Instead the said money is wasted and stolen by unscrupulous elements. This is known to every one concerned. But keeping a blind eye.

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RE:Rmove subsidies increase indirect taxes
by Rubin Cherian on Jun 06, 2008 06:53 PM  Permalink
What Bharat said is true to some extent. Just that the stat isnt 2 % but 20%. The main defaulters are the Big Business houses, the families of the so called infamous, 'everywhere welcomed' NRIs who are 'helping' the country, our dear Polititians...and the burden is borne by the common man...

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Didnt Supreme Court banned all bandhs?
by Rom on Jun 05, 2008 03:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please can anyone let me know about the apex court orders, i thought Supreme court had banned all bandh and following which Shiv Sena - BJP were fined for calling bandh to protest against bomb blast and in support of victims of terror attack in Mumbai?

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RE:Didnt Supreme Court banned all bandhs?
by dengudubabai on Jun 05, 2008 03:54 PM  Permalink
where are all those pseudo fellas of mumbai who put up a case against bjp and shiv sena wheres that teesta bainganwad?

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RE:Didnt Supreme Court banned all bandhs?
by Bharat Kumar on Jun 05, 2008 03:55 PM  Permalink
NGOs are bane of our society.....

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RE:Didnt Supreme Court banned all bandhs?
by Common Admi on Jun 05, 2008 06:19 PM  Permalink
You do not need NGOs to file a public litigation against bandh. You can file it, the question is why don't you?

Anyway you might see Supreme Court taking suomoto notice into this and might go ahead and fine the communist parties.

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