Americans can have their rules, such as Hyde act and so on, to safeguard their interests but in India we accept everything everybody else is shoving at us be it medicine, grains, pesticides and even garbage. Don't we have effective laws to curtail such happenings in India. Then who do we blame? Our on elected representatives canot take any firm decisions because their hands are tainted. Obviously people importing outdated medicines or low quality food grains will be greasing the palms of the correct people and there won't be any action. Time for Indians to wake up.
How can India allow US to sue Indian company when they are the biggest defaulter. Govt. of India should ask for compensation for victims of Bhopal Gas tragedy.
RE:US sues Ranbaxy for forging data
by V S on Jul 14, 2008 10:15 AM Permalink
govt of india got 470 million dollars as compensation but not even Rs 3000 reached the final victims. (if they were alive)
RE:US sues Ranbaxy for forging data
by Nikhil Bansal on Jul 14, 2008 10:29 AM Permalink
Its high time that the Indian Media takes up "matter of substances" like this one (Bhopal Gas Tragedy), moreso considering the fact that Aarushi's actual murderer has been found guilty. Time to hit the front pages..... Let this be a revolution!!
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy was because of the negligent INDIAN staff at the plant in India, who failed to follow procedure, and whose incompetance was unexpected in employees with Indian qualifications that they possessed.
The American plant run by employees with similar qualifications as the Indians (on paper atleast) have never had a problem.
RE:US sues Ranbaxy for forging data
by rna on Jul 14, 2008 09:58 AM Permalink
It was Union Carbide, who did the sabotage in Bhopal....."Later DOW Acquired it. Govt. OF MP is responsible for this act.
US can sue Indian companies for substandard Medicines but do the Indian Government have guts to Sue an American Company?????? The food from India, Clothes etc get rejected for silly reasons but do we reject grain from America??? Answer is No. Congress Grass and a new weed from US which is growing like anything in Himalayas and slowly moving to other parts is gift of US. Indian government is too oblinged to have it from US but they will never think bout rejecting our goods.
RE:US All the Way
by Vinay on Jul 14, 2008 09:29 AM Permalink
well what about the drugs that are rejected in other countries by comfortably sold in India.. We are not able to prevent these drugs from entering India and the possibility of suing will just be a decade's wait...
Is it a conspiracy to kill ranbaxy who has been the biggest and cheapest medicine producer in India. Do they want to kill it so that their costly medicine will be sold.
RE:All to kill it
by Sriram on Jul 14, 2008 09:48 AM Permalink
Call anything you may want but the fact is you cannot do something and try to say something else. It is all about process and documentation. We in India may think that it is okay with a small deviation but it is not accepted in developed countries.
RE:All to kill it
by Vinay on Jul 14, 2008 09:28 AM Permalink
its very well possible.. remember USA govt is desperately looking for ways to avoid outsourcing... and most importantly they are desperate to create jobs in US and retain them for US citizens... in which case, possibility of a conspiracy cannot be ignored..
RE:All to kill it
by Gautam Sinha on Jul 14, 2008 09:16 AM Permalink
We never know- it may be a conspiracy or maybe drugs from Ranbaxy are cheap because it compromises on quality, something govts which care little for its citizens (eg developing nations) can conveniently overlook but other govts (eg developed countries) take seriously. In any case from the matter reported it appears that the case is based on procedural lapses and not any sound investigations, so the matter may not stand in court.