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Indian pharma
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 15, 2008 12:56 AM  Permalink 

They want to break the patent laws and produce cheap medicine. Even that they can not do efficiently.

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Who owns Ranbaxy?
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 15, 2008 12:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If true, that would mean they put human life at risk?

Where is the Indian govt?

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RE:Who owns Ranbaxy?
by Sambit Mohapatra on Jul 15, 2008 02:12 AM  Permalink
Indian Govt. is busy with getting back the smile on PM's grim face.

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RE:RE:Who owns Ranbaxy?
by manish rogi on Jul 15, 2008 01:17 AM  Permalink
If you didn't know close to 30% medicines sold in India are fake....

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RE:Only DOGS will do business in US
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 15, 2008 12:51 AM  Permalink
Why so much hatred? Do you know who is the biggest customer of India's IT industry?

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RE:Only DOGS will do business in US
by Saturnina Dyer on Jul 15, 2008 01:06 AM  Permalink
US - You are undoubtedly living in a fools' (not dogs') paradise!

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US Pharma Mafia
by Suraj Mohan on Jul 14, 2008 10:28 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is the US pharma companies tryiong to use their corrupt legal system to prevent cheap Indian drugs from being sold there.

These american companies prefer to maintain an oligopoly and charge high amounts for medical care. After their defence cartel the pharma companies form the most dangerous mafia in the USA. gone are the days of italian dons

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RE:US Pharma Mafia
by Suraj Singh on Jul 14, 2008 10:35 AM  Permalink
Whatever. We still lick their boots.
Also Indian phrama cos are dumping substandard drugs in India since years.

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RE:RE:US Pharma Mafia
by Suraj Singh on Jul 14, 2008 10:36 AM  Permalink
PS: The American legal system is far better than ours. Stop living in cuckoo land.

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RE:US Pharma Mafia
by Kulathumani Sankaranarayanan on Jul 14, 2008 03:46 PM  Permalink
Yes You are right there system is far better than ours but @ what cost. The system is not 100% efficient but you can't charge 20 times the price of a indian made drug.

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RE:US Pharma Mafia
by sameer bhagwat on Jul 14, 2008 02:49 PM  Permalink
yes, it is far better than ours in acceding to the demands of crooked companies. It does it fast. It does it in an efficient manner. And makes sure that it maintains its image of impartiality.Puhlease, stop defending a system of justice that poses to be one.

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Moral : Gurgaon and Delhi companies are not to be trusted
by Suraj Singh on Jul 14, 2008 10:26 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I never trust them one bit.
Give me a Tata anyday.

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RE:Moral : Gurgaon and Delhi companies are not to be trusted
by Ram Chauthariya on Jul 15, 2008 12:57 AM  Permalink
it is owned by Sikhs.

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RE:Moral : Gurgaon and Delhi companies are not to be trusted
by Sambit Mohapatra on Jul 15, 2008 02:14 AM  Permalink

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it's time to check indian companies.
by hm on Jul 14, 2008 10:26 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Indian companies need to check their standards they claim. We should not forget that due to our lenient law systems we have been made consumers of synthetic milk and synthetic milk products.... which is nothing but direct poison. We must not forget that we are not politicians who talk about others sins and look forward for their passage to escape... if ranbaxy has done somehing worong, will answer it in the US court... but seriously there is problem with indian law system that people go escape free despite of doing crimes that should lead to no less than capital punishment ... JAI HIND

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RE:it's time to check indian companies.
by Suraj Singh on Jul 14, 2008 10:38 AM  Permalink
Well said

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Indians are corrupt
by Suraj Singh on Jul 14, 2008 10:23 AM  Permalink 

We are getting substandard and fake medicines in India since years and the govrenment sleeps at the wheel.
I am glad someone caught these rogues.

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Wrong shipment
by ugly on Jul 14, 2008 10:14 AM  Permalink 

what happend to that wrong shipment of wastage by a US company to India.any Indian court filed any action against that copmany or country??

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Target The US Cola Companies
by Sam on Jul 14, 2008 09:58 AM  Permalink 

Time has come to target the US cola companies in India for endangering the health of Indians by selling carbonated drinks with pesticides in them. Their products should be subjected to strict scrutiny and any wrong-doing in this regard should be reported world-wide. Presence of pesticide in any of the samples should automatically result in imprisonment of the Country Head of the guilty firm and confiscation of their manufacturing facilities from where the contaminated samples came from. We have another Bhopal on our hands, which is happening silently.

We also need to have a close look at the GM crops and the role companies like Monsanto is playing in the country. Its time such companies are punished appropriately to send the message to the US authorities that they cannot penalise an Indian company for selling sub-standard drugs in the their country while their own companies carry on endangering the health of Indians.


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