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Well Said..Dr M.S
by A. Swaminathan on May 06, 2008 01:32 PM  Permalink 

We need to use Land and Water for efficiently for better Agriculture output,because that supports more than 50 crores of population and any import of food is like, importing unemployment.

We can not imagine becoming a developed nation, if there is poverty and malnutrition at rural India. Farmer suicide is a shame on Shining India. Let us our Babu's understand, farmer as farmer not as begger and beneficiary.

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how abt this...
by Dinesh Nagaraju on Jun 08, 2007 11:08 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

measure but not work on macro lvl #s like GSDP, gross state domestic produce or gross state per capita income...why not simply attack simple micro lvl #s, indicators of well-being, like hospitals/docs per 1000, schools/teachers per 1000, length of roads per sq km..internet,telephone connections/ 1000...television/tv per 1000...household income lvl...degree holders/ 1000...unemployed/ 1000....# of cars,automobiles/ 1000....avg calory consumption per person...you know da regular statistical #s...think they r the indicators of well-being...unless you measure effectiveness of major grand schemes...they r simply wastage of public money...wellfare schemes shall address bottom-middle-top rung of the society...may be priority may go to bottom & middle rung...and tacit support top rung to help govt pull the xtra load...social responsiblity...

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RE:how abt this...
by Dinesh Nagaraju on Jun 08, 2007 11:12 AM  Permalink
and SEZs are exploit-ary...

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Land Grab Movement
by ravi bapat on Jun 08, 2007 10:50 AM  Permalink 

SEZ now sounds to be LandGrab Movement.
I agree to this statement.

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Must Change portfolio of Mr. Sharad Pawar
by aparna deshpande on Jun 08, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I agree with some of the views mentioned in the messages and so also to Respected M S Swaminathan. Mr. Pawar has no vision for the farm community and the agriculture sector. What good our PM has done nothing. THey had announced special attention and care will be taken for farm section. The farm sector of our section is in grave situation once we had green reveloution and today the situation is that we have to import foodgrains the days are not faraway when we will be like the UAE countries importing food grains. Mr.Pawar has just concentrated on the cricket there is no harm but he has given more importance to it. He is elected by the people of Maharashtra not for cricket but for betterment of the people. A senior politicians like him and a cabinet minister it does not suit his status to give importance to cricket. Or he should get his fortfolio change to sports and cultural minister. In his tenure the farm sector had worst of his time. There is no point to construct warehouses when no food grains are grwon what is to be stored?? THE SEZ's given to the industries instead give the same to poor farmers and give them full fledge training about the latest farming techniques used by foreign countries. And no compensation given to those farmers who committ suicide this encourages them to do more as they are aware the money they get is in lakhs, the lenders should be taken care by the banks and the farmer shld b encouraged to produce crop from his land, that is wht i feel may be i

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RE:Must Change portfolio of Mr. Sharad Pawar
by page on Jun 08, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink



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awaiting a kannada movie mathadu mallige
by page on Jun 08, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This movie is supposed to show the way infy and other exploited farmers. '

Hope it is as big a hit as mungaru malle

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RE:awaiting a kannada movie mathadu mallige
by R on Jun 08, 2007 12:28 PM  Permalink
yeah kannada film industry should wake up from its past - the one dominated by one family. creative people should wake up and bring some much needed life into the industry. any industry doing good is good news - esp for employment.

with newer ideas and social conditions portrayed in the the movies (rather than silly hip gyrations and cameras panning selectively), we'll have some meaningful movies.

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SEZ must properly compesate farmers
by VB on Jun 08, 2007 10:29 AM  Permalink 

Business houses and People have made SEZ a big mockery in property dealing and in fe years minted crores of ruppes. Farmers are the big sufferers and no one has thought about them. Over the years the country has progrssed but the condition of farmers have become worsed. The new buzz word SEZ has made them helpless to think that their exploitation is continued. This is the time to focus on the farm community. UPA chariperson, UPA Govt, PM and NDA must take this seriuosly as crores of lives are at stack due to wrong SEZ direction.

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Urgent openings for DW.BI professionals in Bangalore
by sumit goyal on Jun 08, 2007 10:25 AM  Permalink 

Hi All,
We are looking for professionals working with BI/DW with experience of more than 5 years. Please send your resume to sumitacumen@yahoo.co.in

as I would not be able to disclose the website name of my company here, please send me your resume at this id.

Warm Regards

Sumit Goyal

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.....a true messiah
by ravi krishnan on Jun 08, 2007 10:22 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The greatest thing that PVN ever didi was to induct Manmohan Singh into the union cabinet and have the guts to make him the Finance minister and thanks to that"bold"decision of the time we now have india in teh global map....why is it then that luminaries like MS Swaminathna the father of the green revolution or Mr.Kurien of the White revolution have been kept in the background without using them effectively..........rest assured their induction into the union cabinet for agriculture and rural development will do wonders.

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RE:.....a true messiah
by raja on Jun 08, 2007 10:23 AM  Permalink
the greatest thing pvn done created hindu-muslim problem (ayodhya temple)and killed many people

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RE:RE:.....a true messiah
by Bharat Engineer on Jun 08, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink
FYI, that problem existed since the ages of Allauddin Khilji, Babar & Auragajeb. Nothing new that PVN created.
His masterstroke is to let that unused dilapidated building (called as Masjid by some, and Mandir by others)to be destroyed. This has immediately put BJP on the backfoot, and they are defensive forever reg. that incident. This has immensely helped the Congress. If that building had been standing.. who knows.. BJP would've come to power on it's own, on the back of Ayodhya wave. This is the greatest service that PVN did to Congress (not to the Nation, only to the party)

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RE:.....a true messiah
by raja on Jun 08, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink
what bharat engineer said is correct

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