The most powerful weapon if HIV virus is its capability to adapt, It changes its genetic structure so rapidly to adapt and fight new medicine that the new virus become immune to previous medicine. the enzyme may be effective in neutralizing a sample of HIV virus, but inside an infected body the virus has shown it's remarkable ability to adapt to any change. Lets hope that this enzyme would be a step further than the current techniques.
RE:the only cure
by Manoj RC on Jul 05, 2007 07:31 PM Permalink
So God created HIV?GOD must have really enjoyed there in heaven with all those beautiful angels, lol :)
RE:the only cure
by MHM on Jul 05, 2007 07:35 PM Permalink
certainly, all creation, whether good or bad is from god. HIV is a sign, such that people stop this sin at least with the fear of this disease if not with the fear of god.
RE:the only cure
by Vikram B on Jul 05, 2007 11:26 PM Permalink
aailaaa God created HIV (as he did not have any other better work) We humans created condoms..
RE:the only cure
by MHM on Jul 05, 2007 07:35 PM Permalink
Their parents and the society has to repent. Parents for indulging in illegal sex and society for not stopping/opposing illegal sex centers.
I like the way Indrani has replied to the innocent queries. But y is the quality of reporting not improving on Rediff? The very title is misleading. Experimental science is about team work and credits are not thrown away so casualy, specialy not to one who is not corresponding the report. Indrani efinately is on her way to make agreat career and hats off to her good work but its simply spoiled by wrong affiliation. you can easily followed that the news is generally different in rediff than the title. Even here the credits which were thrown to an Indian is abruptly diluted in the text. Its an eyecatcher approach which Rediff is uselessly adopting. This comment is just to criticise the rediff reporters and its editors to give them feedback which I hope they will respond with some improvements. The very simple way how it could be misleading is by the fact that I knew about this research but the title was so less informing and badly composed that it completly disconnected it to otherwise such a famous work known by many already and I had to click on it thinking its an all-India research project which was undercover.
RE:Good answers
by yogesh save on Jul 05, 2007 07:36 PM Permalink
It is a great work done by Scientist Indrani Sarkar and her colleagues.I completely agree with sushil on title issue. But It is nice to see an indian involves in such amazing discovery.
Unless you understand a little bit of science, please don't touch these sensitive issues. Don't mislead people on something that is still a daydream. From- HIV researcher
RE:To the news reporter
by ganga vasanthakumar on Jul 05, 2007 07:08 PM Permalink
You are correct Arin!!!! and for most of the questions answer is nil.
RE:RE:To the news reporter
by Adobe on Jul 05, 2007 07:16 PM Permalink
A real researcher would be seen analysing the reports from journals(one may be the above Indrani's) and finding out way. He should have been seen dilegently working on his ideas and not posting useless spams like this!
RE:To the news reporter
by Arin Shuk on Jul 05, 2007 09:08 PM Permalink
I personally know the corresponding author on this paper, what has been reported in the paper is not an issue. The point is that the journalist should be more carefull while writing on these kind of topics. Rediff should allow someone with a scientific backgrnd to present these kind of articles, one who can highlight the imp but also make it very clear that we r still far frm finding HIV vaccine etc.
RE:To the news reporter
by armando on Jul 05, 2007 07:15 PM Permalink
you are just a muslim basher. This article is about the HIV virus, not about muslims or terrorism.
REfrain from being anti something........try and be pro something.
RE:To the news reporter
by fty ufuy on Jul 05, 2007 07:07 PM Permalink
right. too early. dont dash hopes of people who'd be willing to do anything in d world if they read such news. is this article written so prematurely in the hope of garnering guinea-pigs for ur drugs,sir? seems so!