although your headline says "Indian", the article goes on to mention "a group of scientists -- including an Indian". which means it was not the Indian working alone.
once again, is indulging in yellow journalism.
RE:Indian may have found cure to HIV?
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 05, 2007 11:26 PM Permalink
It's Indrani's Ph.D project, so I guess they are technically right. It's nauseating to read Rediff headlines these days.Why Rediff alone. Sick to read headlines like "Techie robbed at knifepoint", "Cop injured". These monkeys have started aping US media to the T.
RE:Indian may have found cure to HIV?
by R Singh on Jul 05, 2007 11:29 PM Permalink
Agree, the article mentions that she is an associate scientist and is just one of the person in the group. So why this Headline?
Sensationalism, half truths and empty rhetotic is the hallmark of Rediff.
RE:Indian may have found cure to HIV?
by kc ojha on Jul 06, 2007 08:21 AM Permalink
because she is a Beengali. 80% of jounalists in India r Bengalis and they are highly pro....
A Canadian, Dr. Kang at The University of Western Ontario appears to share this view. In fact, he has already submitted the Investigational New Drug Application to the FDA for his vaccine candidate (US Patent # 7,067,134, issued June 27, 2006) and he's awaiting approval to start Phase I Clinical trials. I believe he will first be looking at it as a therapeutic vaccine since the trial process is less complicated and time consuming for a therapeutic vaccine versus a preventative vaccine.
Hopefully, through the efforts of Dr. Sarkar of India and/or Dr. Kang of Canada, we'll figure out a way to fully eradicate HIV from the body.
RE:HIV Cure is not an impossibility
by on Aug 28, 2007 10:05 AM Permalink
i agree, i hope through there efforts this epidemic may end...more on Dr. Kangs efforts at these sites
Its a PhD student work. Work is in initial stages of specific pathway. I strongly suggest rediff, Please hire some qualified persons to comment on scientific literature, and also a english teacher. might help.
Thousands of such papers are publishing everyday in peer reviewed journals.
As a PhD student, indrani has done substansive work.
obviously a very good research paper; i read that in 'science' but you guys at rediff would do much better to sanitise your titling of articles. give it a positive or even a provocative spin but do not take it out of context. this is no 'indian' work; this is a team in which a PhD student did the lead work. it is just wonderful - no doubt. but to title it the way you did, it has to be clarified that we are a long way away yet from anti-HIV cure or therapy or whatever you may want to call it; please refrain from taking things out of perspective and mislead people just to get a few more hits on your website.
Its really exceptional discovery from Indrani, it seems the study still in very very preliminary stage. Its lacking invivo experimental results, which are very crucial for further consideration of this novel path of HIV elimination in order to consider for preclinical studies. The selection rate for preclinical studies as follows: an example (to my knowledge only)
Laboratory discoveries : 100 In vivo sucess : less than 50% Preclinical studis PHase I Phase II Phase II : only one 1% of above discoveries will qualify.
I wish Indrani all the best to make it to FURTHER crucial steps.
Congratulation!! Indrani. I am very proud to be an Indian and specially being from Kolkata for your inspiring work. I do hope that the Sceince will save many lives now and will remember you. Best of Luck for your further research work!!!
RE:Hat's off to you.
by Buddu Pandya on Jul 05, 2007 09:15 PM Permalink
What if a bhaiya congrats another bhaiya or a gujju to another gujju or a ghati to another ghati or to one gulti to another gulti or to one tamil to another tamil-what would you say they are non-Indians? Open eyer eyes and think that India is an unifications of a number of states bearing different cultures and languages. I am not Bong but I feel no regrets if a bong celebreates the success of another bong.Better you change yourself.
RE:Hat's off to you.
by on Jul 05, 2007 10:25 PM Permalink
Buddu and Chander - Oh yeah !! Is that right ? Since when sara hindustan become so united and the people of the whole of India started thinking in the same frequency ? All the Indians associate themselves to their own communities more than they do to the universal non-existant common Indian identity - just face it or at least be truthful about it. Just do not start bashing Bongs for congratulating each other for their accomplishments- Tamils , Telegus, Gujaratis,Punjabis all do that all the time. This is how we Indians are. Being close to our communities makes us even more Indian at heart. Please try to understand that.
RE:Hat's off to you.
by STA BHATT on Jul 05, 2007 10:53 PM Permalink
First of all , the word "Bong" is deragotory- same like Ghatis for Marathis and Gultu for Telegus , Punjus for Punjabis, list could go on.
It is true, Bengalis think differently and accept everybody else Indians as their own( which every other state does not). It is time to break that habit and become unified to combat Bengali Bashing .
RE:Hat's off to you.
by sujoy ray on Jul 05, 2007 10:40 PM Permalink
Chander, I think you are misled, the intent is to congratulate and inspire her for this great breakthrough. You should inspire her in the same way as an Indian rather than criticising me.
RE:RE:Hat's off to you.
by chander thakur on Jul 06, 2007 12:01 AM Permalink
hi sujoy I sorry for my comments if they hurt u, you may be right I understood differently. I know what is PhD student work, since I received six month ago from CSU, USA. I know she is the part of interesting discovery. Treat her as indian not as Bengali...........
RE:RE:Hat's off to you.
by STA BHATT on Jul 05, 2007 10:56 PM Permalink
First of all , the word "Bong" is deragotory- same like Ghatis for Marathis and Gultu for Telegus , Punjus for Punjabis, list could go on.
It is true, Bengalis think differently and accept everybody else Indians as their own( which every other state does not). It is time to break that habit and become unified to combat Bengali Bashing .
This good news I read n newspapers few days back and I congratulate the scientists for this breakthrough work and hope they will vance it to the final stage of reaerch and delivery after due trials.