Today salaries are hiked to stop the inflation but this has created havoc and unemployment has boosted up. also the age of retirement in ICAR and the teaching institutes was raised to 62 instead of making 55yrs. the people above 58 are enjoying this facility and creating nuisiance to the younger people. thay simply switch on the AC's and have a good sleep and being paid heavily creating excess burden on the economy and the youths are waandering for the job and being exploited by offering temporary jobs and facing severe harrasments. Al these things are happening in the CICR,of ICAR. Kindly take a note and immediately reduce the age to55 and open the recruitment with an upper age limit to 40-45.This will really help youths in the agricultural sector.
only some percentage of it peole r getting a huge salary though some of them r not efficient enogh. where as teachers and professors of school college and engg college is not getting the proper amount they expect. that creates div between 2 class . hyped it peope and meritorious poor salaried class.
only it/ites people are happy and are seeing their salaries grow, in other sectors ,lot of companies in retail and manufacturing take people on contract and not on regular rolls.IT/ITES people are the only ones who are pampered.
RE:RE:pay hikes
by prashant gour on Feb 06, 2007 03:49 PM Permalink
That is really true only IT and ITEs are geting much higher than other sector but hike has been seen in every sector, that s not good to make comparison
Is this survey meant for the private sector only or for the Govt. sector also. The pay commission report is to be submitted next year only and any hike can be foreseen then only.
by A C on Feb 06, 2007 03:26 PM Permalink
It is unfortunate given that there's plenty of talent in the Govt. but the same is not put to use either due to stringent red tape or due to abysmall low pay vis-a-vis private sector. If Govt. sticks to "governing" rather than doing business, it would find money to pay well !
I believe it is best time to work in india. Globalization has made such an impact into indian economy in a decade that early starting from IT/ITES i.e. service industy now india has started making big leaps in manufacturing sector like Auto anciliary , biotech, infrastructure etc. and rest to follow sooner or later. So It is best time.