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Earlier when Rediff had the stock market discussion board ( like this present one ) I used to come online as this format is good for exchanging views.
For several months I used to recommend LIC Housing Finance - that was at a time when it was well below Rs. 200.
My investments have paid off. But I am a long term player and hence do not intend to book profits now.
My advice is - LIC Hsg Fin is STILL good. Maybe Rs. 370 - 380 looks expensive. But if you get a decline - grab it. Rs. 350 could be good and in case of a market crash you get it at Rs. 300 then buy it BLINDLY. This company will be the future HDFC. You can comfortably look at a price of Rs. 1200 by end 2009.
RE:LIC Housing Finance
by Meet Andy on Dec 21, 2007 12:29 PM Permalink
Hello Baranikumar, after a long long time i have seen your reply. i used to see your msgs on rediff along with BullRun & BULLS, Rishi goel and all..
Good to see you again.. BTW BullRun's blogsite is wonderfull, i am following him since then..