by Prasanna Joshi on Dec 12, 2007 09:52 AM Permalink
Panditji, I think even if you/me contest for this post along with Shaukat Aziz, we would have beaten him. How can largest financial service group would make a person as its CEO, who is PM of a country (no need to explain more). I am sure, he would spend money on ISI training camps, Taliban flight training to break down CITI's tallest buildings, paying insurgents shelter, food and arms..etc.... Very simple.....
by Atul Velankar on Dec 12, 2007 10:05 AM Permalink
Hey Citi is already sendign a lot on ISI and Al Quaeda, much chunk of shares belong to King of Saudi HAHAHAH
In which Company and based out of which country you will find all top managers (considering the names mentioned in the mail is exhaustive) non natives of the country. Shaukat aziz - Pak, Pandit - India, Banga - India. Hats off the company (Citi) and the country in which it sarted ot of (USA) which really cares little for anything except performance ......
RE:Hats off to US of A and Citi
by sriprakasa srinivasan on Dec 12, 2007 09:58 AM Permalink
Thts True buddy no other country in the world will allow Top positions to Immigrants. In US If you are a performer you are the king!!
RE:RE:Hats off to US of A and Citi
by Sankara Narayanan on Dec 12, 2007 10:03 AM Permalink
Well said. A point most of us tend to miss in this hullabaloo. ANyway Congrats Mr Pandit. YOu are a great source of inspiration to us and anyone from a developing country.
RE:Go India! Go!
by raja on Dec 12, 2007 09:36 AM Permalink
relax! don't go overboard. first let us make some decent roads, airports, and clean loos at railway stations
RE:Go India! Go!
by Ram Prasad on Dec 12, 2007 09:40 AM Permalink
Well you are right on target. first priority should be given to buliding basic infrastructure in the the country. only then we can think of India Taking on the world
RE:Go India! Go!
by Mat on Dec 12, 2007 09:43 AM Permalink
It is not INDIA taking on the world but an indian born son of an Indian Businessman who migrated to the US while he was 16 yrs of age. And if you see around the world(not just inside India) indians hae migrated to all places around the globe and have done well not because of INDIA but because they are Indians and they were able to utilize the opportunities presented in the host countries.
Congratulations to Mr.Vikram Pandit for being honoured to be CEO of Citigroup. As a vendor in Mumbai, to Citigroup for the past about 8 years, the hardcore professional approach and behaviour that the Citigroup Officers take towards its vendors; is something the vendors are enriched with equal professionalism in business development and timely solutions. Wish, under your leadership, it will further strengthen. NK PRATAPAN
It's a great pr'ledge for an Indian to become a CEO of Citi Group. Now his target will be to take-over the Indian banks within a short span.Best wishes to him