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hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by Pradip Parekh on Dec 13, 2007 01:29 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the hindus in india produce what is derogatively called the hindu rate of growth but in usa they are now for topmost productivity. you have to ask why? the reason is very very simple. because they are happy to be hindu, and work in total freedom. there is a lesson for hindus in india: get rid of secular congressi govt form your midst.

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RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by inderjeet singh on Dec 13, 2007 06:19 PM  Permalink
you are communal lot when you say hindu hindu in usa lot many people have succeeded in their fields and many are non-hindus so instead thta a hindu has come up well in life if you say an indian has risen would have been bettern and non-communal Fibre optics cable was the research and has improved communication you know he is a sikh and is world famous minus INDIA because here only communalism works ok

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RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by inderjeet singh on Dec 13, 2007 06:28 PM  Permalink
Monday, January 19, 2004, Chandigarh, India
Father of fibre optics may manufacture in India US-based Narinder Singh Kapany focusses on next-generation networks
New Delhi, January 18
With more than 120 patents to his name and referred to as the father of fibre optics in the world telecom industry, Dr Narinder Singh Kapany, may consider setting up a development and manufacturing facility in India sometime in the future.

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RE:RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by antar jaal on Dec 14, 2007 01:30 AM  Permalink
Kind of naive to make this is a religon issue. did Vikram Pandit personally tell you that he is successful because he is a hindu ? He is probably self driven and if there are 100s of 1000s desis that come to the US (cream of the crop too), some of them are bound to succeed. Not sure how much being a Hindu or Indian has to do with this....

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RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 13, 2007 02:59 AM  Permalink
Dont overemphasize hindu hindu hindu like a a parrot. This bhagora went to usa at age 16 and attained this sucess after LONG LONG 34 YEARS. I AM NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL.

ANY ABOVE AVERAGE TOM DICK AND HARRY WITH THREE DEGREES FROM AMERICA CAN DO IT, why unnecessarily are we making a GOD out of a human ????? and that too sitting in India which this man has not been living in for the last 34 years ? Arent we foolish to the core and laughing stock of the world ?

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Many Congrats.
by mohd ahmed on Dec 12, 2007 08:53 PM  Permalink 


many-Many Congratulations to you on this Achievement and with india has created another landmark on global level.
Today we all feel very proud to be an indian.

My best wishes are always with you and hope you will get success in all your Aims and goals.


Mohd Muzaffar Ahmed
IT Specialist.
Saudi Arabia.

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Vikram Pandit's elevation
by Chandra Dhanda on Dec 12, 2007 06:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I certainly feel proud of another Indian occupying the top chair at CITIBANK Group as well as also for him to have displaced a Paki for this post.

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RE:Vikram Pandit's elevation
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 12, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink
It seems white skin british raj NEVER ENDED. even educated people like you are GHULAMS TO THIS DAY AND AGE, sad sad sad.

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Congratulations Mr. Vikram Pandit!
by Amit on Dec 12, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I don't know how much Indian he actually is and what good his ascent do to India but I strongly feel satisfied that he beat a Pakistani & a politician as well to the post.

Congratulations once again.

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RE:Congratulations Mr. Vikram Pandit!
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 12, 2007 05:53 PM  Permalink
Is it very important FOR US INDIANS to feel GLORIFIED BY SERVING SOME BLOODY WHITE SKIN COMPANY ? I thought british raj ended in 1947.

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RE:Congratulations Mr. Vikram Pandit!
by Super User on Dec 12, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink
For your information Citigroup is an american company not a british company. There are also several Indian companies that are led by Foreigners. So please keep your perverted mind away from this and do not make this into an issue of racism

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RE:Congratulations Mr. Vikram Pandit!
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 12, 2007 06:23 PM  Permalink
hey ram

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Congrats Mr. Pandit !
by umesh patil on Dec 12, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink 

All the best for ur future @ CITI!!!!
Turn the fortune of Indian!!!

Regards, Umesh

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So what ?
by Suresh S on Dec 12, 2007 05:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

So whats India's contribution in this ?
Another Sunita Williams.

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RE:So what ?
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 12, 2007 05:27 PM  Permalink
Even I cant understand why my brother bloody indians are going ga ga ga over a citizen of the USA.

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With Best Wishes.
by on Dec 12, 2007 05:23 PM  Permalink 

For a recent arrival at Citi
Vikram S Pandit confronts the
daunting task of shoring up
the company, which has been
brought to its knees by the
mortgage crisis.

With best wishes.

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salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by ranjit singh on Dec 12, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its really another feather in bringing laurel to the country,this is sign of accomplishment & great satisfaction to every Indian.In coming times,we expect that more Indian will be seen at higher position worldwide,which is already happening.This is the beginning of India on path of progress & development.
Congrats Mr.Vikram Pandit from truly Indian.

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RE:salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by Mat on Dec 12, 2007 09:14 PM  Permalink
Morchak Chooha, write your commenst in your script not in ENGLISh which is also from "YOUR" masters.Oh, for that u need to find a site which is in your script.Oh then many inidans may not know that script.Oh what to do !

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RE:salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by Rupesh Pandit on Dec 12, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink
why u r using Rediff...this is also not from India....go and search for some Indian site and do chatting there...Peoples like u can never be happy upon someone's achivements...get well soon

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RE:salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by ranjit singh on Dec 12, 2007 05:29 PM  Permalink
U will understand the Brand INDIA,they r bringing name to the country,whats ur achievement except making hue & cry,talking non sense.Whats ur contribution to INDIA,just shut ur mouth & try to do something productive for the country.

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RE:RE:salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by bahmophet on Dec 12, 2007 05:51 PM  Permalink
u r affected by the green eyed monster?
honestly, if u get a chance to go abroad, wont u?
even our loony lefties go to america/britain to hoilday and study!
so cut the crap and stop this crib!
if u cannot swallow someones success, swallow the phelgm!

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RE:salute Indian who bring laurel to the country
by Rupesh Pandit on Dec 12, 2007 05:54 PM  Permalink
u r rt bahmophet...Morchak is not able to take load of Indian achivement...GET WELL SOON Morchak

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vikram jee
by Sameer Aneja on Dec 12, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

congrajulations .. !!

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Congrats Vikram! Grow India!
by kapil patil on Dec 12, 2007 05:10 PM  Permalink 

I think Mr. Vikram Pandit deserves congratulations on his huge accomplishment and wishes to turn around the Citi group.
Leader like him, Lakshmi Mittal and Indra Nooyi
are making India proud of them!

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