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How India can be more productive
by labrea on Dec 08, 2006 12:02 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Netas will only give up so much of their power, so any furhter 'liberlization' isn't fortcoming anytime soon. As regards the cities, Govt is the largest landowners in the cities, yet have not been able to develop same for the benefit of its 'inmates', nor is it willing to allow the private sector a go at it - the result - cities are veritable cesspools, huge slums filled with destitute folks living in dilapidated shanties, mired in filth and squalor. Govt needs to take a page out of the city renewal programs of progressive govts worldwide. A few glitzy malls does not a city make!

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RE:How India can be more productive
by NJ on Dec 09, 2006 04:13 AM  Permalink

You can't blame the netas for everything. It is the rich and greedy people (like you) who are also responsible. It is very easy to blame the politicians for everything, but the fact is that we are also equally responsible.


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