Tinkering is indispensable for the politician to ensure that the undue advantages go to those players who bought the former's ugly alliance for an appreciable consideration that could be for the party or for an individual or perhaps usually for both..
We borrowed our democracy on the British line.
And wherever convenient and paying we follow the British traditions in running our democracy.
If in Britain Tony can willingly sell himself, naturally our PCs would follow suit.
And one thing is to be remembered.
The stakes are often in thousands of crores of rupees.
Even a small percentage makes a substantial difference to any tony or PC.
It is irresistible.
Such opportuninities are rare in life !!!!
Crying wolf is of no use.
Because all these tonies, margarets and pcs are thick skins and shameless.
I don't know why every one come with solution saying hike the petrol price. Herfe in Japan, Petrol is an open market and no subsidity. We pay less then what people pay in India. Recently i read an article which showed how the price hike is not helping oil companies. A major chunk of it goes to excise. Why it is required to pay such a high excise duty. OK, If state govt. need that fund then they should pay some subsidity to oil firm to keep their balancesheet in balance.
We (indians) are one of the high price payer for gasoline and still our oil companies are in loss. And more of it, they are spending millions of rupees in advertising and other unnncessary expences. Grab that too and you will find that they are no more big loss making companies.
With the open economy the politiciams and bereaucrats should be debarred from interferring in the affairs of economy especially in public sectors.By interferring they have spoiled the culture and ruined them financially. AS a result brilliant PSU Executives are leaving and joining private sector and enriching them at the cost of PSU.
to get a good deal to us people we vote and elect ministers thus naturally it is their job what they are doing and correct the market for abberations if it does not behave properly. willit be right if they sit back and enjoy and do nothing as if there is no government and pass the buck and say we are helpless the market and the gods want it. also the market is controlled by some people who are unseen so godlike, so cheked by real people and seen gods. do u understand mr. ninan.
The subject article written by Sh. T N Ninai is alarming and educative but the three big state owned oil marketing firms are going in continuous loss is not because the sale price of oil per liter in the market is less but their daily overhead expenses are so high that even if they cut them by 20% or so then these oil marketing firms will be profit making firm. 20% or so cut will not force them to compromise with quality of oil but definately with their luxurious life style viz centrally air conditioned offices/ buildings, food on the house/subsidised, hiring of extra number of vehicles than required to discharge daily duties.The unnecessary running of ACs,fans and lights etc also add to the loss of these firms. I stop here since the list can be unending.
PKL. August 6,2006. I am sure Mr Ninian has great love for the doings of the Mythical Virtues of the Market Forces. Unfortunately many Indians are not that sanguine about the eulogy he so lavishly dishes for these. Is there a solution to escalating Fuel and Gas costs ,across the board by using strictly Market Mechanism ,alone.. of course alternative energy like Ethanol, Zatopha have been suggested, but switch over also needs to be worked out in terms of available time-lags and requisite Capital allocations.. Can the politicians lose office for making their Electoratethrow them of public Offices if they do not soften the exorbitant prices of Fuel,Mr Ninian...D. Goel
i really dont understand where the figures have come from , ONGC had an Operating Profit of over 8100 cr. and Net profit of over 4100 CR. HPCL had a net loss of 607 Cr. , BPCL had a net loss of around 600 Cr.. MY FRIEND CAN YOU ADD ???
Also are you willing to pay Rs. 100 for petrol ? you might have lots of money but most people in India dont.
and yes these banks are essentially govt owned so they CAN decide to hike interest rates or not. yes its true that ideally we should not intervene in the market functions , but this is mostly in the case of capitalist economies , we are not.
and which stock did not go down , just tell me , everything went down, then what ? if anything there has been a sharp rally in the banking index. one more view , if interest rates rise , less people take loans , so less profit hence you will complain again ??
come on mate , stop writing something just for the heck of it...