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by anup on Apr 22, 2006 09:21 PM  Permalink 

Please get the facts (data) right before concluding anything. How is it that percentage of OBCs finishing college is low when most of the states have reservations for them (TN for example has 69% reservation for educational institutions)?!! Funny thing is that people keep the 1931 census data (52%) as the basis for all arguments. In TN for example, its a fact that even the left out Open competition seats are mostly secured by the OBCs.

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Reservations: What should be done
by labrea on Apr 22, 2006 09:18 PM  Permalink 

The Communists are opposed to private involvement in the economy, and especially in schooling, as they are afraid that, with widespread education comes economic and social upward mobilty, and as such, they will lose the stranglehold over their illiterate, ignorant vote-bank - the Left need these people to always remain totally dependent on govt handouts for mere survival - govt as champion of their cause, their maa-baap. So don't expect any forward movement in the education situation any time soon - it's not good for the Communist Party nawabs.

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