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social inequity is more dangerous
by ashwani kumar on Apr 30, 2006 09:39 PM  Permalink 

LOOHAR,KUMHAR,LAKADHAAR are one of the few major casts counted as OBC. these people are earning food by providing their services to other section of socity. children from these casts start practicing their profession at the age of 13 to 18, as thier parents says their is no value of education for these clases becoz in present system most of the entries in job ( both in private and public sector) are thorugh backdoor entry bhaee bhateeja wad is there n we have to accept this.

other wise these people are earning their food by dooing hard work they have capablity to proove them selv if provided right opprtunity.

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Reservation Private sector
by Balamurali Srinivasan on Apr 24, 2006 10:08 AM  Permalink 

I don't know about north. In tamilnadu this OBC is being flatly misused because of it is >50% in reservation. Most of the people who got engr seats and medical seats with <90% marks are OBCs and lot of those people are economically way forward than the real "forward" community as branded by govt. There shouldn't be any OBC at all in between. Just forward and SC/ST ... that's all...Now as they achieved the aim of capturing the education market and Govt Jobs by illegal means thus depriving chances for real SC/ST people and forward community who are really poor, they want to stretch it to private sector. (because they realise now that future belongs to private sector). Political parties like also plays big role.

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senseless reservation
by MS on Apr 23, 2006 09:34 PM  Permalink 

I think India should stop reservations from college level. Everyone must be treated equally. Is it the same with people from india. If a OC student gets good rank than a reservation candidate. The reservation candidate is able to get admission in better colleges than the real merit student. Is Indian constitution really helping this meritorious student.

Inspite of giving reservations in education,if a student cannot get into big companies,its not fault with the company,its fault with the student. So why should they spoil their profits and take inept people.
So government should really think,are they really helping people or just producing junk.

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by ramgopal krishna on Apr 23, 2006 03:50 PM  Permalink 

Reservations MUST be accepted by all industrialists. No body is asking them to take any candidate who is no good, or is a deadwood. They must reserve a quota for them, but they cannot fill up that quota with inferior or unworthy candidates. Therefore, the Reservation candidates from IIMs/IITs must come out well equipped and should not be found wanting when compared to the lucky ones. No industrialist will experience difficulty in employing such Reserved Quota people in their firms.
The impression being created is as if the non-reservation-quota people are born best, as a rule,and they never FAIL, MESS UP OR LEAVE !!
Especially, great people like Azim Premji must not forget that this country expects from them some obligations and commitment for the overall prosperity of this country, and not only their own, individual, and quite selfish prosperity or reputation. If they still resist, they should be asked to close down, because others are waiting to fill in or others will enter the field and will effectively do as well, or better. If they threaten to go to China or Nepal or wherever, so be it !

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by Rahul on Apr 23, 2006 06:46 AM  Permalink 

Does the author imply that since there are already many backward class ppl (and that too he hasn't taken any high tech company which drive this boo,m of today as an example) in private sector it is alright to have reservation for them ?

doesnt he understand that reservations create the same divide as caste discrimination. Whenever I look at a backward class proessional If I don't personally know him my assumption that he is not capable of doing anything ..but just there because some leaders want him there to protect their vote bank.

If reservations is the way to go ..then y shouldn't we make a start with the parliament. Have 75 % reservations there ... trust me no one in India gives a shit in that case ...

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reservation in jobs
by Srikrishna on Apr 23, 2006 02:58 AM  Permalink 

this is rubbish.bajaj and lever might have those statstics just because they had considered merit or the perticular requirements satisfied by that person and not on the cast system which is abase less issue for a country like india which boasts it self to the world that it is the biggest Demacracy-unifor and equal rights to every citizen irrespective of cast,creed,religion.
have you seen any country very mejority of the population is given quota.as per the letter i have read( 52%) of the population is reserved catogories.
forward castes who form minority are secondrate citizens in their own country.
i would say that if some section of acommunity back word give them facilities and accesibility to education.see that all the 52 % get their primary education not 25%.then consider on individual ability. dont make cast system legalised

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The reservation does not reach the needy
by Mohit Kumar on Apr 22, 2006 10:27 PM  Permalink 

The main idea behind reservation is that
those who are oppressed should get the
benefit.But whi filters it..Those who already have
all the facilities.That is why despite 60 years
of reservation things have not changed.

A son or daughter of government officer belonging
to SC/ST would avail the reservation despite the
fact that he got all the facilities needed to
compete in the job and education world.Can any one
do something to channelise this.and reservation
once implemented cannot be removed(No party would dare to do that).Lets face the truth and take the things in Totality and stop promoting this quota system for
political advantages.Its nothing but a political stunt.

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stupid observations by the writer
by Amol on Apr 22, 2006 10:10 PM  Permalink 

one of the most silly argumants i have heard .. he says why does the industry worry if there are already 25- 35 % of employees in some companies like bajaj.. SO DEAR WRITER if these people are already there .. why do u need reservation?!!! there are getting what they want without any help!! then why help them. they r capable enought already!!

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Why is Premji not against wipro using 'Minority Owned' Status in USA
by USA Indian on Apr 22, 2006 09:34 PM  Permalink 


The same companies who are opposing reservation in India are beneficiaries of 'Minority' status companies in USA. There are hundreds of Indian owned companies in the siliocon valley who have made good use of'Minority Owned' company status in getting lucrative business.

How can they oppose the same thing on one place and wholeheartedly take the same thing in another, unless they come under the status of being greedy. If they are greedy, can Indian people trust them that they will think about the nation first, and themselves second?

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