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by augustine augustine on Nov 01, 2009 04:46 PM  Permalink 

An SC candidate who scored 1 mark out of 100 in the PSC test has been appointed as medical officer and will be treating patients at a Govt dipensary while the last person posted from the open category(read unreserved is ank 48 and scored 70 marks out of 100. My wife too scoed 70 is ranked 65 and is not sure to get posting. Should not there be some kind to benchmark for the quality of persons poted as MEDICAL OFFICERS in Govt service. They are given reservation for admission to educational institutions, fee concessions etc and after that reservation again for jobs is ridiculous. God save this country

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Job Reservations
by Abha Anand on Dec 24, 2008 02:58 PM  Permalink 

If Government to offer Tax concessions to Employers who employ a certain minimum percentage from SC/ST the private sector would have a positive motivation to do so.The results desired by the Government can be had without legislation or coerision.

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Casteism in India is nothing but a covert mask of socio-economic 'collusion'.
by usa on Jan 27, 2008 12:50 PM  Permalink 

Casteism in India is nothing but a covert mask of socio-economic 'collusion'.
Vote for candidates from your Caste only.
Do NOT care if he is corrupt/competent.

And just watch the magic...

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Good news friends
by m on Apr 05, 2007 12:52 PM  Permalink 

Our party will shortly present a bill in parliament for separate statehood to upper caste and anti reservation people in India.

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Hinduism is the root of all evil in India.
by m on Apr 01, 2007 04:30 PM  Permalink 

1. It explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14.
2. Parents covertly train their children to coerce other children as per the above hierarchies.
I deplore any other religion that does this.

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by m on Apr 01, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink 

Cheat us once. Shame on you.
Cheat us twice. Shame on us.

Enough of this for 7000 years.
Our party is offering a separate state/nation to upper caste who are less than 10% of India.

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Close shops and move out of INDIA.
by pratyush dash on Mar 07, 2007 04:32 PM  Permalink 

Well if the quota is forced upon the companies most of them would not think twice to move out of india.The quota system was supposed to be for 50 yrs but the politicians are just increasing it day by day.The quota system doesnt have much impact on the lower strata of people but only the affluent among the SC/ST.That's wat i have experienced.BYE BYE INDIAN DREAMS.

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Save the country..
by Raj Gaurav on Mar 07, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink 

I think if the Maoists do a "number" on Sharad Pawar, Paswan and all the remaining uneducated stoogies our 3rd world govt empowers, I think this country can be saved.

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What to do ?
by Shreyas Kaushik on Mar 07, 2007 03:54 PM  Permalink 

Stop hiring, thatz what many might do to get around this...and gradually move out of India...with politicians like these who needs enemies

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No Govt has ever thought inline for country's progress
by alok kumar on Mar 07, 2007 03:07 PM  Permalink 

Unfortunately, the polticians have no morals. They would do anything to grab their seats and build vote banks.The reservation system initially was meant to be stopped after some 30 yrs of independence. It was then that probably Indira gandhi if were true to the country would have initiated compulsory and free education at schools for the economically backward because children are the asset of the nation. A good education would have created them great citizens unlike the citizens who ask for reservations which they never deserve(creamy layer being in service like IAS,doctors ad engg's does not have the shame of exploiting the country). We have to completely overhaul the political syatem if we have to change this. Please participate in sperading this conciousness. May god save this Great country of mine...Jai hind

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