All those Indians who deliberately became deaf, dumb and blind to the sorrows of their underprivileged fellow Indians , will definitely celebrate 100th India's independence day.Alas! Who cares for others when your stomach is full and your family is secure.We live in a society which is ruthless and unsympathetic towards humanity.It is a national shame to know that today's youth is more interested in making money and is least bothered to wipe the tears of their brethren inspite of having a capacity to do so.I will defintitely do something for my nation which gave me everything.I won't die like a useless soul.
What is your drivel? Must economic progress be stopped because though there are laws some displaced people will be unhappy? Then forget abt India a 100 years from now. I am sure you are a leftist, how did your beloved China handle this problem with the Three Gorges dam? Have you even heard of that? Millions were simply asked to leave without any promise of new land or any legislation to protect them. Thats China..go try and preach them! Maybe you will worry about your human rights when you see their response!
by Kabeer on Sep 13, 2007 05:27 PM Permalink
Whose economic progress, at whose expense? It's always the financially well-off progress that takes the centre stage but not those who are weaker. Let us understand one thing very clearly. Humans have settled in these areas as it has water and forest for sustenance and they are living there for generations and centuries! Why should they get displaced to an alien place to provide water to desert area residents like Kutch etc? We are pushing down their throats because we are influential and can. Political parties do not bother as these tribals are uneducated and are unaware.
Regarding the Chinese example, no civilised nation has anything to learn from this modern Chinese state. They imposed a single child policy on its citizens. What happens to the emotional health of the parents if the only child dies in an accident or of disease? Material wealth is important but not everything.
How many people know that a rural chinese citizen can not move to a city for work and for a better living? They are not forbidden-every city dwelling citizen has a permit.
The current Chinese state is neither socialist nor communist as they pretend to be-it is authoritarian and downright uncivilised by modern standards!
Despite all its shortcomings Indian polity is head and shoulders above China
by Puneet Luthra on Sep 13, 2007 08:11 PM Permalink
There is no need of comparison with China or elsewhere . We need not look for examples of any nation , what they did in what situation . We have our own set of policies . We need economic growth today , and we will achieve it at every cost . We have already been waiting for chances since 60 years and now is the time , we will progress hard and reciprocate equally to any power that comes between making India an economic superpower . People of india should understand and as a team , sacrifice somethings for nation as and when need arise . And please don't look towards the guy sitting next to you to do that , to see the change , u have to be the change . Trust that almighty , and march on the path of patriotism . That is true pride .
by srinu reddy on Sep 14, 2007 09:00 AM Permalink
you are not losing anything thats why u cant feel the problem. if somebody asks u to leave ur houe without any helter then u will come to know for sure