A country that drags its feet when it comes to meteing out carrying out the verdict of its own Apex court against a Muslim terrorist is no economic superpower. It is an Islamic basket case.
I think words expressed are excellent. We as a nation have failed to provide basic survival tools to our people. We hve no right to live the way we do when over one thrid cannot get one meal a day. Mind you I am not a comminist or a socialist but a capitalist. But there too we need to draw the line how much can we turn a blind eye to what is around us. The govt from 47 have been a faluire in providing education, housing and food security to 100's millions. Todays ET read that that the worlds rich and politicians have taken appx 12 trillion USD and stashed them in tax haven accounts. We have failed as a nation to give a decent and honorable living to our people. We choose the wrong leaders and govts.
While there is no gainsaying that India has made progress by leaps and bounds in the last 15 years, it have arrived late by a good 25 yrs. This has been primarily due to high corruption at various levels of governance, populist approach of various govts in order to continue in power, population explosion at BPL, self-sympathy of the middle class and the exhuberance and non-chalance of the rich to name a few. The other major reasons are, increased nexus of the politician-police-underworld, long-winding judicial procedures and red-tapism. Despite record production of crops and other essential items, faulty distribution system has lead to increased starvation at the BPL while the greed of the middle-men has led to increased suicides by farmers, who are the main heros of this hapless nation. Also, the economic growth has been lop-sided favouring mostly the urbanites while ignoring the rural class and the poor. India still has a long way to go before it can be truly called a developed nation.
yes ,it could have been worst situation for india as british left india without any source to nurse our india with 8 miilion rufugees from east bengal and pakistan .It could have been another rwanad or anyother african nation .It is the wisdom and challenge pandit nehru took to solve the problem and he took series of measures like ist general election in 1952, with help of russia builded heavy industries like bhilai steel plant,rourkella steel plant and all those PSUs who took to initiatives to make a modern india though it was a regulated economy but he encouraged private companiies also took initiatives like tatas and birlas .they have tremendous contribution to buld modern india till 1991 when our economy took a giant leap by finishing all license raj and kotas initiated by Late PM p.v narsimha rao and dr manmohan singh .god willing ,now we are the most advansed country in the world in ters of economic growth.abboral@gmail.com
Why is it that we never ever speak about the rising population of our country, a major catalyst in rising of number of people below poverty, and a major concern....If you ever noticed, our neighbour China which competes us in almost every sector and at times is way ahead of us, has realised this threat and is taking steps to keep it under check ...
we made in 1947 was to name Nehru as the PM. We are still paying for his disastrous foreign policy. His daughter (though having a lot of shortcomings, some of them famous in thier own rights) was much better in that respect. Anyway, the point is that I wish people had the foresight of putting Shastri in then.
It is true that India is free for 60 years.But misguided policies by the leaders and planning commision--"WASTED 50 years" of freedom.Govt.took over and wasted money in bad investments.Rourkela Steel Project and others lost money.Banks,TV media,Communications,Power,Infrastructure were controlled under License Raj and corruption grew.India's growth rate for first 50 years was very low. Finally Indian politicians have wised up after seeing failure of Russian planning.Last 10 years ,India has turned the corner.Private Enterprise is booming and Indians are bright. India's future is bright going forward. 1)US-India Nuclear agreement will help India produce POWER at rates --half of today's rates(Lalooji claims--80% lower-I think 50% lower is possible). 2)Brain Drain is reversing-Americans of Indian Origin are heading up many American Enterprises in India now. 3)More and more Indian Enterpreneurs are taking Charge. 4) Media is doing great job with its freedom especially TV media. 5) I hope that politicians can keep "INDIA TOGETHER" as one nation. I was pessimistic in 60's,but now I am optimistic about India's future.INVEST IN INDIA. Dr.Satinder Mullick,PH.D. Johns Hopkins--