RE:What utter nonsense
by Bee on May 07, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
U are in too much hurry to trash things. Read the article carefully before writing such "utter nonsense." It no where says smoke or party to get promoted...the article is about fitting in...But maybe you missed the whole point!
RE:What utter nonsense
by sanjay on May 07, 2008 04:08 PM Permalink
But this what is happening in most MNC MR.ABC companies and thus they move up in ladder quickly and I had worked and witnessed these non-nense and felt bad ;but what do we have live with and tolerate ; if God Exist let him bless the poor souls who really work...
RE:RE:What utter nonsense
by Abhinaba Basu on May 07, 2008 05:17 PM Permalink
GOD... Only frustrated people believe that guy. And when nothing good is happening with them, they forwarded the problem to GOD. BULLSHIT.
RE:RE:What utter nonsense
by sanjay on May 07, 2008 04:10 PM Permalink
Very funny after you change yourselves and your habits and attitudes for "fitting in" how can you be original - contradictory stuff
RE:What utter nonsense
by Bee on May 07, 2008 04:25 PM Permalink
Simple english and yet so much difficulty in understanding? I read the article twice and did not find any suggestion of 'changing yourself' just says if you want to be part of the office sooner and not after a year or so, try some things to know more ppl and become visible. How come you guys missed the point about getting involved in organization's charity activities or helping team members? Just because you move in same circles, you do not lose your origiginality...the only thing to remember is to be cautious and not go over the top!
RE:RE:What utter nonsense
by A Bc on May 07, 2008 05:20 PM Permalink
Bee - or should we call you Preeti Bose... Come on, you didn't have to report my post for know the Nazis at Rediff love removing anything that dares to question the articles that they post on their semi-porn website.. What - you can't take a little criticism...?
RE:RE:What utter nonsense
by People Buster on May 07, 2008 07:52 PM Permalink
I am surprised... my messages are being put for abuse even before being published. Preeti is that your hand in it?