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Partime Courses
by sakina banerjee on Oct 29, 2007 06:43 PM  Permalink 

Hi can u please suggest some good university where I can pursue MBA or Masters in Marketing in Delhi as either part time or long distance? Also, I have done my diploma in Hotel Mangement - Currently working as a Sales Manger in a 5star Int Hotel Chain.Does a diploma qualify for an MBA or can I only do a PG Diploma course.

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by sathish shanthavardhan on Oct 27, 2007 04:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear All
i want to do MBA HR through correspondence.Plz advise me which university is offering this course and the notification

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by tarachandra vishwakarma on Nov 01, 2007 09:10 AM  Permalink
By Tara Chandra Vishwakarma,
I want to do MBA HR through correspondance. Please advice me which university is offering
this course and the notification.
My E-mail. tarachandra81@rediffmail.com

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Confused with streams
by ABHISHEK KUMAR on Oct 27, 2007 11:04 AM  Permalink 

I have done BCa and currently working as a computer operator in an export co in delhi. I am looking for some management program in magament from correspondecne but confusd with the specilisation. I have three options - Advertising mEdia, retail and CRM. WHich one will be better for me ? Waiting for suggestions. Thank You.

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Second MBA
by mudit singhal on Oct 26, 2007 03:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Really an informative and useful article.I must congratulate you for that.Whether going for Second MBA is a wise decision.???I am working in Govt. sector so whether doing Executive MBA from premier instituton would fetch me some good opportunities in private sector?? I have 3 years experience in Govt Sector??

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RE:Second MBA
by MyEIdentity on Oct 28, 2007 12:43 PM  Permalink
Hi Mudit, I have personally known people doing a second MBA even after having done their first MBA from IIMA. So the answer clearly is, yes it does help, but at the same time it depdends upon what your long term objectives are. You should know beforehand what is that your first MBA is not able to give you.
There are people in all Indian executive MBA programs who are from IAS, IRS, Railways etc, so there are examples for you to follow. It is very much possible to enter into private sector, but you should know what you really want to do and why is that you have not been able to to that so far.
Amit Nigam

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MBA correspondence course - Reg.
by laxman prashanth on Oct 26, 2007 03:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Pl.let me know which is better and has more scope & value & is good for future(one year 'Ex'course or a 2 year MBA course).A straight clear answer is requested pl. I have completed 10th std.(CBSE) & Dip. in Mech.Engg., almost 16yrs before.Is this qualification ok to get in.Pl.suggest some good institutions Let me know the approx cost. Request u to kindly guide me. Regards, Lakshman,Bangalore.

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RE:MBA correspondence course - Reg.
by MyEIdentity on Oct 28, 2007 12:50 PM  Permalink
I wouldn't think after 16 years it would make sense to go for a 2 year MBA, for the simple reason that the companies who visit these campuses for recruitment have students having 0-2 years experience range in mind. You don't wanna be an odd one out there. At the same time, in executive programs of IIMA and IIMC, you have average experiance of close to 10 years, ranging from 6 to 17 years. That would be much closer to your own numbers.
Amit Nigam

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RE:MBA correspondence course - Reg.
by MyEIdentity on Oct 29, 2007 04:13 PM  Permalink
I wouldn't think after 16 years it would make sense to go for a 2 year MBA, for the simple reason that the companies who visit these campuses for recruitment have students having 0-2 years experience range in mind. You don't wanna be an odd one out there. At the same time, in executive programs of IIMA and IIMC, you have average experiance of close to 10 years, ranging from 6 to 17 years. That would be much closer to your own numbers.
Amit Nigam

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MBA Calling
by abhilash unnikrishnan on Oct 26, 2007 01:16 PM  Permalink 

excellent article.
I can find myself in that article

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give information
by Singh Sukhjinder Singh on Oct 26, 2007 12:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hi please give information on reputed institutes having part time and correspondence course in MBA.

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RE:RE:give information
by Kalpesh Kulkarni on Oct 26, 2007 12:59 PM  Permalink
hi where r u staying plz inform that

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hi plz give information
by Kalpesh Kulkarni on Oct 26, 2007 11:59 AM  Permalink 

hi any one knew about SIMSR somiyaa instituteog manaegemnt can any one give full information about this institute means eduaction faculty there placements surroundings etc plz

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MBA Calling
by kailash mantri on Oct 25, 2007 11:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hi Amit,

First of all thanks for article...
the information is useful and can make one to think..the comparison you gave is good one but it does not give clear pictures...
now a days MBA is looked as career switching option and a even some are doing reMBA from reputed colleges ... looking at the market I guess one should go for International MBA but the cost and ROI is the matter of concern...
so the big question is should one go for a international MBA and invest so much should one go for such a high Risk and opt for career switch ?

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RE:MBA Calling
by MyEIdentity on Oct 26, 2007 12:06 AM  Permalink
Hi Kailash. Thanks for your feedback. To answer your question, I think finally everything boils down to the same old adage - "The more the sugar, the sweeter the tea". Having said that, there are plenty of reasons for people NOT to go for an overseas MBA. One reason you have already mentioned, the cost. Apart from the pain of logistic issues, one very important reason is the present state of Indian economy due to which every year B-School salaries are breaking their own records. The balance of demand and "quality" supply is way tilted towards the former.
About reMBA, I think the same argument as part-time MBA holds good here as well, the industry buy-in aspect which I think is one of the most important parameter of decision making process.

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RE:RE:MBA Calling
by MyEIdentity on Oct 26, 2007 12:16 AM  Permalink
A word about career switching, I'm not sure if you are aware but it is arguably not so easy to make a sudden shift to the two most "happening" areas of consulting and iBanking unless you have considerable prior experiance in the related field, and I'm only talking from a executive MBA perspective. This is because of two important reasons: Firstly, both these industries prefer people with less experience, and secondly a majority of more experienced people themselves don't prefer it lest they lose their number of years of experience by starting afresh...

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