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by vivek on Nov 18, 2007 03:30 PM  Permalink 

it ws full masti pack.......nthng unxpected......easy esp. maths section...whr u dnt hve 2 waste 2 much time for leavivng questions....quwstions wr vry clear ....evn by scanning u can find..tht this question is not 2 attempt.......xpt maths othr sections wr ok-ok..not easy not tugh......total masala paper

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by ashish singh on Nov 18, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink 

maths section was designed for those coachin guys who did spent atleast 1 year practising maths.

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by naresh mishra on Nov 18, 2007 03:18 PM  Permalink 

Maths was very difficult,particularly for
arts based candidates like me.It all depends,how many did worse.Rashmi Priyam

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cat 07
by prasoon on Nov 18, 2007 03:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hi...best of luck fr those who kept guessing..english was gud 2 solve...DI was quite lenghty..but not tough....hmmm....i personally felt maths section quite tough and confusing.....so those who did gud at it...they have a better chance 2 drm....rest of u take care...

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RE:cat 07
by clifton dsouza on Nov 18, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
Quant was pretty absurd. Only one question from Geometry!! Overall tough section.VA looked easy but I'm afraid it wasn't!!! DI was better

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