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No CAT for me this year!!
by Aditya Chakraborty on Dec 07, 2009 10:47 PM  Permalink 

Hi This is Aditya. Say it my fate, or say it dysfunction of the online exam system of CAT, i couldn't give the exam this year. Firstly, what happened with me is what happened with many students in this country and that was CANCELLATION OF TEST & RESCHEDULING of my exam because of server-crash/virus-attack or whatever technical reasons. Now, what happened is, they gave a postponed date, which was okay for me until my test center got changed to a place where i couldn't reach in 1 day. And ya, i got that mail 1 day before the exam. There was a helpline number which was my only chance to change my test center to where I want, but here's another thunderbolt. That PARTICULAR NUMBER is always busy and even when its been picked up, the administrator who has attend me, is also BUSY. Now I was out of options, either try this no. all day or just pack my bag and go and reach late....but i cant reach late. So, i tried and hence, gave up trying, as anyone would, and in the end, couldn't give the exam. I reckon thats their CRASHED or VIRUS AFFECTED computer again who changed my venue which threw my CAT dream for this year, in trash. I also don't think applicants who gave the exam, should trust in the results, because their computer can still act funny!!

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hat shud i apply for?
by Divya on Nov 28, 2007 06:28 PM  Permalink 

hai this is divya. my scores are va-25,di-33,qa-23 which colleges shud i apply for. will i get even a single iim call?
plzzzzzzzzzz do reply sooooonn

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32 marks
by Shekhar Agarwal on Nov 21, 2007 05:01 PM  Permalink 

I am getting 32 marks.whatis expected percentile & colleges I should fill

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My score QA - 3 , DI - 28 and EU - 01...What wud be my percentile?
by ANIRWAN SENGUPTA on Nov 21, 2007 11:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

My score QA - 3 , DI - 28 and EU - 01...What wud be my probable percentile? Can anyone tell?

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RE:My score QA - 3 , DI - 28 and EU - 01...What wud be my percentile?
by Lohith on Nov 21, 2007 01:48 PM  Permalink
sorry dude, your future in management studies look bleak. Check out my scores:
QA - 0xFFFF5432
DI - 0x99978FBC
EU - 0xFB88AC35

(BTW, one question - what is QA, DI and EU)

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Any chance of IIM?
by blueberry on Nov 21, 2007 10:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi every one..I%u2019ve attempted 52 questions in all..
Maths -16, DI - 17 and EU- 19.

I%u2019m expecting a score of 149..

Though this seems above the cut off posted by various sites..I%u2019m still unsure about getting any calls from IIMs..because this was the easiet CAT in years..Many people are saying that they are expecting above 200!:O..I%u2019m really confused!

I%u2019ve a work ex of 2 years in a good software inc.
Do you think this will fetch me a call from the IIMs..

Please Reply!!!

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RE:Any chance of IIM?
by Manoj sidhwani on Nov 21, 2007 01:19 PM  Permalink
In spite of Ur 2 yr software exp u dont have any logic. U say this was the easiest cat in last 3 yrs and u r expecting arnd 150 marks. Lets wait for the results dude and chk where u stand U confused dumb

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RE:Any chance of IIM?
by gaurav arora on Nov 21, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink
chal be......

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RE:Any chance of IIM?
by KRIS ME on Nov 21, 2007 01:50 PM  Permalink
if those are ur scores u r sure to get atleast 2 calls

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by Sameer Bhagwat on Nov 21, 2007 09:56 AM  Permalink
yes ...you will get ..how you have managed such a huge score..

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yes this time QA was little tricky
by vibhav aditya mishra on Nov 20, 2007 08:16 PM  Permalink 

Dear friends i think this time QA is going to decide the fate of candidates..as DI and VA was ok..All the best to all!!!!!!!

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Why this much of fuss
by ARKA on Nov 20, 2007 07:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why this much of fuss regarding CAT. The recent poll showed Civil Services as the toughest followed by IIT. CAT comes in last. I think getting into IITs is mor brainy than going and taming billy. Meow!!!! Media focussing much more on this thrash and for no rhyme or reason.

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RE:Why this much of fuss
by Manoj sidhwani on Nov 21, 2007 01:24 PM  Permalink
Dude u r the biggest idiot on earth. Tell me frankly how many such exams u have attempted and managed to clear. CAT is given higher preference than civil services and other exams because these guys will be the leaders in the future and lead India on global map not like the babus in civil service who just fill up their homes with bribes

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ME very much confident..I hav crackd d CAT........
by Kabir Goswami on Nov 20, 2007 03:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am confident i hv cracked it..ths ws my 1st attempt......din xpect it wud go well to this xtent...bt wil choose IIM B....

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RE:ME very much confident..I hav crackd d CAT........
by tom her on Nov 20, 2007 08:37 PM  Permalink

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RE:ME very much confident..I hav crackd d CAT........
by Sameer Bhagwat on Nov 21, 2007 09:59 AM  Permalink
ha ha ha ..."bt wil choose IIM B" may be it is the other way round ...which iim chooses you or we can see you giving CAT next year...

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by Aashirbad RayChaudhury on Nov 20, 2007 12:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

my scores qa-39
........tot 85...lets c if i can get any top coll....

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by gopal singh on Nov 20, 2007 02:44 PM  Permalink
yes man why not? start prepration for gd&pi you can hv call from imt,spjain,bim,and top 20 colleges except iim

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