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Changed the course
by N Venugopal on May 17, 2007 05:00 PM  Permalink 

My daughter got BE biotech from NIT Raipur, I have gone through The Hindu about the course and finally desided to change to BE EC in other Engineering college. Biotech does not have any scope until you do Phd else, be a assistance at all time. MSC biochemistry is much better choice.

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Biotech boom
by insider on May 17, 2007 04:41 PM  Permalink 

nice to know that PTU is at indore. And the list of unis participating with JNU also shows the depth of the understanding of the writer.

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totally agrred
by ANURAG GAUTAM on May 17, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink 

I graduated in engg. in biotech from university of rajasthan with honors degree. i applied to various firms thur naukari.com, timesjobs and other search engines for jobs....wats d result....no reply....i had also done trainings at shantha biotec where i saw employees with Msc. just earmning 7000-8000 per month....
So as now...i planned my MS from Unioversit of texas at dallas for fall 2007 in Bioinformatics and computational biology.....
Indiaein abhi time lagega.....so we hope for the best.....

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Biotech boom
by quamar azam on May 17, 2007 04:12 PM  Permalink 

I am totally agreed with the opinion expressed by columnist. This is fact that biotech is much hyped and largely due to media (news-paper). In India there is very less oppurtunity in this field and even after doing Phd you are not sure about getting suitable job.

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