I dont think so what the author has mentioned the article is correct .first of all the indian students just want t o earn money thatas the main problem they dont undergo training or internship and research during their undergraduate years bcoz they wan tto just enjoy the college life .Biotechnology is the application of the things and indians dont apply thier minds bcoz they have learnt to by heart the things in theirs middle and elementary schools .look at the united states the u k the canada and all other developped countries there are a lot of jobs available in those countries .hey indians come out the word "SECURIT-ITIS". ANY ONE NOT GETTING JOBS IN BIOTECH PLEASE MAIL ME I WILL HELP THEM FIND 1.
RE:The article is a scrap
by sujatha prabhu on May 18, 2007 09:10 AM Permalink
hi dharmik, that was a very bold statement you made "ANY ONE NOT GETTING JOBS IN BIOTECH PLEASE MAIL ME I WILL HELP THEM FIND 1." could you give me options please.
RE:The article is a scrap
by Jai Richard on May 17, 2007 08:00 PM Permalink
Hi Friend, A part of ur comment is correct. There are lots of biotech recruitments in Canada, UK, Europe, US etc. But do not tell that students are not ready to learn techiques by going for training, internships etc. I have applied to many agencies, institutions to be trained in the industry or at least basic research techniques. No one wanted to take me and the reply was they could not waste time or the company's money on me.
RE:The article is a scrap
by shreyas burji on May 18, 2007 08:34 AM Permalink
Please help me find one job. As you said .I have done my M.sc BT from BU.
I think the meaning of Biotech is wrongly understood in Indian student community. There is no discipline which should be called Biotech at least at B.Sc or M.Sc level. What we usually taught here biotech, is actually a set of techniques that can be expertised by students of any discipline depending on need to attain certain research objectives. Without a background of basic science how can one think of Biotech? It is like if you dont have a foundation/wall no quention of making it decorated. Dear students before opting for it try to understand what is it! What sort of expertise you will have, if you do it? Huch much unique capability does it confer on you that corporate will try to get you?
RE:RE:Biotech! What is it?
by avinash kadam on May 17, 2007 09:25 PM Permalink
Yes! Thats right Bisakha. I think all applied sciences should not be taught at basic degree level Biotech is the exploration of basic sciences from the point of view of its application.I have seen most of the people working in the field are either chemistry pst graduates or engineering graduates applying their fundamental knowledge for the exploration of application from biological science. Students and their parents must understand it.I too opted for the same at undergraduate level and after realising it shifted to other stream and now working in so called "Biotechnology".
RE:Biotech! What is it?
by Bisakha on May 17, 2007 06:44 PM Permalink
I totally agree with you. Mostly the private colleges & small universities are making money by cheating the students. They make money out of the students frustration of not getting into good carrier options which are very limited in proportion to Indian population. Most of such departments run the show by one-two persons,they dont even have fund to recruit regular teachers, forget about a Biotech lab.or experiment which involve crores of Rupees.And interestingly such colleges and owned or partially owned by Ex-academicians of govt. aided institutions. Please dont expect anything from our priviledged politicians, they might not have experience beyond primary school.
I strongly agree with the opinion of columnist, and say thanks for making an attempt about myth of biotechnology a booming but no jobs. Yes its true you enter the biotech only if you have keen intrest in research work but for money making MBA is better option. Enternace exams and fees are high but output is veryless.
Its hard to understand why the jobs related biotech are vey limited despite the hype that, this is the future industry! But its for sure, Presently the IT jobs are over valued compared to any Jobs in any other sector......I believe vlauations of IT Jobs v/s other jobs is having large gap. May be this is one of the reason why other peoaple feel jobless, worthless....There has to be correction some time in future by giving importance to other Sectors and create Job opprtunities.
RE:Are other jobs under valued over IT Jobs? OR the IT Jobs over valued over Life sicence related Jobs?
by manvendra saxena on May 18, 2007 10:03 AM Permalink
It is future industry but in India a huge gap needs to be covored. There are few basic things which we all needs to understand. First of all don't compare it to IT as for IT bussiness the infrastructure required is is very less in comparision to Biotech. Secondly a diploma holder or even a Postgraduate without proper training is a waste in this field. Its hard to hire people from biotech background from every college or university and that too after knowing what these institutions are teaching and the kind of training they provide. These private universities offering MSc in biotechnology or related courses are just fooling around with students and their career. however in other countries before these institutes are allowed to offer these courses or anyother specialised courses they are forced to show the proper infracture not only on paper but during the inspection and the consequences for cheating are really high. therefore those who are talking about biotech boom are just trying to feed these bogus universities especially in India. thridly Indian industries entring in these fields are very few and even they are showing the investment in R & D just to save huge amount of money on taxes, these pple hire one or two scientist and thats how their R & D works. But the boom is their in US and other european countries some Asian countries which includes China, Sin, Malasyia and few others. Cheers
I am a Recruitment Consultant for the leading Middle East and North African countries. The article should be an eye-opener for all those who blindly follow the track of confused people. B.Sc. Biotech can land you no-where. Biotech is reaserch intensive, and you need converging science to study the bigger picture. Take a general B.Sc., go for M.Sc. Biotech and preferably got for Phd. However the job prospects are not too high as that for IT. The fact is we do need as many Biotech graduates as IT graduates.
I am a Ph.D graduate in Biotechnology. I totally accept the opinion of author. Dear politicians and policy makers dont play with the lifes of students and their parents by creating such hype in the area of biotechnology. In practice there is no need for a biotech graduate either in industry or in R&D. Encourage the youth for opting basic scicences subjects like Microbiology, Biochemistry.
RE:Dear plicy makers.......
by Jai Richard on May 17, 2007 07:42 PM Permalink
Hi Anupama, I agrre with whatever you said regarding Biotechnology and Biochemistry. But it is not the case of Microbiology. After doing a Bachelor's in Microbiology I opted for a master's in medical microbiology in Manipal (one of the top 5 medical colleges in India). Unfortunately, I did not get any job even after one year. Thn I got through in a pharma R&D as genetic toxicologist. And now doing a PHD in Cell Biology in France as I found out that in India for sure there is no scope for microbiology. They take PG students as techicians in hospital laboratory and most of my bachelor degree friends are either working in BPOs or as medical/sales representatives. It is just the hype of the institutions tht microbiology fetches one gud jobs. But truly speaking there is not tht great research or job opportunities for microbiology in India.
i am a Phd in mole bio and have 2 post doc experiences from the US. there are no jobs in biotech in india. its a myth . i advise to studnets if u want to earn money this is not the field early career settelment is not possible like other cources
I hope people will truly understand the hype created by biotech boom after reading this column. The so called boom is about the research activities and not in terms of jobs. One more thing, we need not be a graduate in biotech field to acquire a biotech job.Because, biotechnology is an amalgamation of different subjects and techniques, and so one specializing in a particular area can find a job related to his/her interest and experience. Finally i want to add that it is not easy to get into PhD as the entrace exam itself requires thorough knowledge in the basics of various sciences and only those who are very keen and diligent in their objective will be able to surmount this kind of tough assessment. So my advice to all those who are bewitched by this term called "biotech" you should be really, truly, madly n deeply in love with it, to have opted for the course. Good luck....