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Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by VIJAY CHADHA on Jun 05, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I donot feel it must if student thorouhly goes to it,s text books.

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RE:Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by Rajeev tyagi on Jun 05, 2007 03:26 PM  Permalink
Great man. You go through the textbooks and understand everything. Why then teachers are required? Coaching classes are a necessity to perform better simply bcoz they deploy the best teachers, who know their subject very well. The issue again is of money, since they are paid handsomely in these coaching classes they give their best and make students grasp the basics of the subject. If they are paid properly in the institutions in which they teach definitely there is no need of coaching classes.

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RE:RE:Are coaching classes necessary to do well in competitive exams?
by heggadalmath sadananda on Jun 05, 2007 06:03 PM  Permalink
Corrupt System not allowing the brillient to study higher education. There are brillient poor students who cannot afford the college fees.

These courses are desined for the rich. They can afford coaching fees apart from school fees.

No body bothers about the poor students!!!?

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Coaching classes required or not
by Rakesh Sharma on Jun 05, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink 

There is no way a student can succeed in a competitive exam. without coaching. There may be few exceptions but fact is that there is a huge difference between standard of school syllabus and that of competitive exams.

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