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Yes it helps
by aparna kotha on Jun 05, 2007 06:01 PM  Permalink 

I feel that a child who is interested in acing competetive exams wud benifit heavily from coaching institutes. but if it is the parents who are presurising then it will create pressure.

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by indian on Jun 05, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink 

money spinners. CHeat public and ask them how many who took have got through to their choice. May be percent is 5 or 10. They are looting public and ruining the society with a divide.

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Special coaching for ace exams
by vkumar on Jun 05, 2007 03:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

After seeing ,what is happening in Andhra ,i feel this sort of coaching is essential.Constant exposure to that level of teaching ,competetion,and tests, week after week ,will improve quality of a child. I feel that even average students can get selected into a Premier Institutes.

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RE:Special coaching for ace exams
by sankalpa maurya on Jun 05, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink
well i think
its not a matter of product that we all of a sudden should ponder about but processes that can change one life as a student.many of us hardly know our aptitude.students first need to find the area of interest to contribute something to the field of academia and larger interest in nation buiding.recent years has seen an over emphasized tone in students who compete and not who do not excel.Coaching in this respect has limitation but it is becoming too much important.

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High fees extra coaching classes
by Shridhar Iyer on Jun 05, 2007 03:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Well to do Parents in their over enthusiasm to see that their wards score high marks and get admissions in well known colleges, spend a lot of amounts of hard earned money into private coaching and extra classes.

Such children struggle to devote quality time for all such extra classes, leading to good results in some and not so good results in some other exams/courses. Ultimately the objective of the parents and the children, that off, getting admissions in prestigious colleges/professional courses, gets fulfilled only in some cases. In a majority of cases this doesnt happen.

Therefore I feel, a mixture of following shd yield better results:
a) Put the child in decent schools, where the atmosphere, ambient, and the teachers are adequately qualified, and the children/students come from decent backgrounds/families.

b) Give coaching in subjects where you feel the child needs extra support. For example, if your child is not scoring 100 out of 100 in Maths, you may give her/him this addition support of private tution. Find out if the teacher is well qualified and his students score well in Maths, and then admit.

c) Discipline must be ensured. Example get up at 5 am in the morning, go to bed at 11 pm every day, playing for an hour, etc. Good habits like brushing two times a day, respect to elders, going to temples once a while, having dinner with all in the family, reading English newspapers, listen to news, etc. must be ensured.

d) The parents also have a ro

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RE:High fees extra coaching classes
by Shridhar Iyer on Jun 05, 2007 03:38 PM  Permalink
point no.d) The parents also have a role to play, like devoting quality time to the children, giving them useful tips, visiting the school teacher in case of problem in any subject, monitoring the scores and taking up with the child to understand his/her issues, and then take corrective action, etc.

If all the above are ensured, I am sure a normal child shd do well in any exam of his age group.

With best wishes,


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RE:High fees extra coaching classes
by gghj jj on Jun 06, 2007 10:59 AM  Permalink
you r right..i appreciate what u said

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Caoching ....?
by anup bagla on Jun 05, 2007 03:24 PM  Permalink 

I qualified in IIT in 1972 without coaching; This may or may not conclude, that it is not required.

I personally feel that coaching only gives practise and mental training & preparation to handle the exam ...

Like if I had taken the coaching, I would have got higher rank (AIR:All India Rank) of say wthin first hundred (100) instead of 1206; Similarly for CAT, it gives practise, time management startegy and mental preparation etc. It gets u to know and get the first hand experience of doing it from the experienced ...

So it goes without saying that coaching does not make a dull student into a brighter one ... the innate understanding, interest, brilliance & brightness must be there so that it can be sharpened!

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RE:NARAYANA CLASSES....1 lakh for IIT seat guarentee p'rog'ram
by sai pranith on Jun 05, 2007 03:23 PM  Permalink

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higher fees
by V on Jun 05, 2007 03:11 PM  Permalink 

Most of the coaching institutuions are charging very high fees ,approx. Rs 25 k for even 10th class student.Govt. should seriously controlled such high fess .Same is applicable for private schools and hospitals, no control just every body looting common man???????

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by V on Jun 05, 2007 03:08 PM  Permalink 

If school syallbus and competitive are on the same line i think need of such coaching classes will drastically reduced,even if school prepare student in line with competitive exams. then there is no issue whether extra coaching needed or not ??

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Coaching classes
by arungopal agarwal on Jun 05, 2007 03:05 PM  Permalink 

yes due to the following reasons:
1, Standard of pre-university is different in different courses.If it has uniformity, competitive exam is not required.
2. Seats are very limited comparing to students numbers opting for competitive exam.
3.At many places, invigilation during exams. are not upto mark, the confidence level of competitive courses on such institutions is lacking.

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