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Pilot Traning Institute
by kiran on Jan 26, 2007 10:12 AM  Permalink 

Dear Sir,

Which is the best pilot traning institute in India

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pilot training
by on Jan 26, 2007 12:17 AM  Permalink 

hi iam going to be 18 in feb & will be completing my 12th class by march from science section, i dont how to start the precedings pls do mail at humtum_200200@yahoo.co.in thank you

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dear sir
by amit shah on Jan 25, 2007 10:41 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

my son at present is taking education of cpl at
austreliya , he will complete it by mar 07
what are the ways for him to get a job in india my email add is abha_66@ rediffmail.com

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RE:dear sir
by Ranjan paratap on Jan 26, 2007 09:00 AM  Permalink
please Apply Go air office Mumbai , Deccan air there are lot of HRD firm searching CPL .............with est wishes

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RE:RE:dear sir
by Ranjan paratap on Jan 26, 2007 09:01 AM  Permalink
by Ranjan paratap on Jan 26, 2007 09:00 AM
please Apply Go air office Mumbai , Deccan air there are lot of HRD firm searching CPL .............with est wishes

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becoming a pilot
by vishi shishodia on Jan 25, 2007 10:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I really want to fly high in air, but dont know where to start from,pls give me detailed info on this and also thanks to rediff team for their good work.

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RE:becoming a pilot
by Arjun on Jan 26, 2007 05:53 AM  Permalink
If you are in city where you have flying school attached to airport you can have "Private pilot licence"(PPL) later go for CPL

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RE:becoming a pilot
by Pramod Sharma on Jan 30, 2007 12:30 PM  Permalink
Hi Vishisht,
please contact us on 020-65203745 or email us at bluediamondaviation@rediffmail.com for details on how to become a pilot.

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Flying Start
by on Jan 25, 2007 09:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Friend
Since starting to fly is so costly and time consuming I have found out a method of helping you to access whether you have the ability to become a pilot as well as reduce your time and money factor. I am launching a flight training school in Chennai due to commence in the end of April 2007. The entire course is for 2 months consisting for 20 hours gound subjects and 20 hours of simulator flying. We will provide quality training and courses conducted by experienced pilots / instructors with over 15000 hours of flying experience. Do feel free to email me at wvijay@gmail.com or wvijay@airtelbroadband.in for more details. Our web site will soon be up with course details etc %u2026 %u2018Flying Start%u2019 %u2026 gives you %u2018 The Head Start To A Flying Career%u2019
Warm regards
W Vijay Kumar

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RE:Flying Start
by ruchi jitendra rawell on Feb 04, 2007 12:07 PM  Permalink
hi I am ruchi .I am interested in becoming a pilot.I wanted to know if there is any particular height needed to become a pilot.How should I apply for this course?and I also wanted to know about the course details.Please e-mail me at violet_pinkz1@yahoo.co.in
thanking you.

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pilot traning
by pavithra ashok on Jan 25, 2007 03:47 PM  Permalink 

hi, how do i enroll for training? i'll be 17 in feb. i'm a commerce student is that an obstacle?

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Hi, What is the maximum age to start the pilot licence training?
by Ramachandra AN on Jan 25, 2007 03:23 PM  Permalink 

Hi, Can you elabroate the maximum age for starting a pilots training? Can it be a mid carrier shift for a bored software professional?

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cost of the course and where institute are availabler
by ujval on Jan 25, 2007 12:01 PM  Permalink 

And I come to know that couse fee is like more than 10 lacs soo its is not effordable soo is there any scholership or loan available or sponsership for student is possible as i dont have that much capital otherwise i am vary keen to become PILOT, Thanking you in anticipation

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by rajiv kumar on Jan 25, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink 

Thanks for that good piece of information.I was looking for this information for a long time.

Cheers! for the Rediff Team

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