If we feel E-mail also a stressful thing then there is no professfional work in this 21st century world we can do. It may be true in very few cases. What do you guys say? Satya
RE:E-mail stress
by Nanjangud Anand on Aug 16, 2007 09:06 AM Permalink
E Mail has in a way reduced stress, because end of the day we are supposed to know what to do in our daily roles professionally. If not for email, we would have been worse off....with so many calls & concalls !!!!
It depends on the company/domain you are working. And if you have a good span regulation in the company you can avoid getting junk mails in your inbox. And responding withing a stipulated period sorts the issue of keeping pending task emails in your inbox.
Nice article but unfortunately 100% true. It has become part of life as an IT Professional. Even when I have been on leave and cannot check my official mails, i felt like I am missing something :-)