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MBA from East Asain School of Business, Singapore
by Hiral on May 03, 2006 10:18 PM  Permalink 

Hi Karan,

I am expecting an offer letter from East Asian School of Business, Singapore for MBA program July'06 intake. After completing the course I will get the certificate from Herriot Watt univertsity, UK. The EASB & Edinburgh school of Business has tie up between themselves.

- What's your opinion upon the MBA from East Asian School of Business, Singapore & degree certificate from Herriot Watt univertsity, UK ?

- Is the degree which I will be receiving recognised worldwide & in the corporate world ?

Thank you.

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university selection
by VINAYAK on Apr 15, 2006 12:11 AM  Permalink 

hi karan,
i have got 1300 in GRE and 250 in TOEFL and have 60% throughout in B.E(electronics and telecomm.).
Please suggest me few cheap but good universities in US.

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by Ami R Shah on Apr 09, 2006 11:12 PM  Permalink 

Hi Karan,
I am a Computer Engg. student.I have done a Diploma of 3 yrs after 10th(SSC). and then directly in to 2nd year of engg. and i'll b completing my comp engg. degree this june.. I donot have any background of managment.I am completely into computers after 10th.wht do u suggest shld i opt for a Ms. in comp.Info.Sys. or an MBA with MIS elective would b managable.I have been an avg. student thru out my student life..

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germany education
by ramakrishna on Apr 09, 2006 07:59 PM  Permalink 

hai karan,iam ramakrishna i would like to know can i get admission into german university with out any toefl

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question abt MBA
by sangram dash on Apr 03, 2006 09:00 PM  Permalink 

hello sir
i am a finalyear mechanical engg student .. after 1 month my engg course will over ..I want study MBA in U.S.A .. so plz sir can u tell me which university is good & also i want to know about few universities where indian students are doing there MBA .... thank you sir

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by rsraob on Mar 19, 2006 03:14 PM  Permalink 

HI karan
I got 600 in GMAT and 277 in Toefl

I have Applied for MIB in Norway beside several universities in US for Macc

I am a cost accontant
I am unable to get much about the life in norway after education and how good the course is in International standings

How good is MIB in comparison with MAcc in terms of job opportunities and pay

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mba in us
by abhishek on Mar 10, 2006 04:20 PM  Permalink 

hi karan..i want to do mba from good univ. in usa. i have done b.e. with 64.7% GMAT -- 595 , TOEFL -- 250 ..in which univ. should i apply ? and what are the chances of selection in campus there ? i want admissn in top 10 univ. so should i take GMAT again ?

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