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Good universities for MIS
by vijay dubey on Dec 19, 2007 05:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

My GRE score is 740/450 tot=1190. BE all semester first class. i wanna apply for fall 08 for MIS. suggest me good univ for MIS where i have moderate chances of admits. fees and aid doesnt matter.

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RE:Good universities for MIS
by vijay dubey on Dec 19, 2007 05:40 PM  Permalink
also i forgot to mention my 2 years of XP in Infy Pune.

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Regarding Universities selection
by surya kala on Dec 18, 2007 04:24 PM  Permalink 

Hi Karan,
I got a GRE score of 1210(770Q 440V) and an acads of 71%.Please let me know which colleges I can apply for Masters in Architecture in the US. Is there any chance of getting aid?

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hi Karan
by dhruv shah on Nov 18, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink 

My GRE is 1240(780-Q, 450-V) n 3.0 in AWA, Toefl-98 and ACADS: 62% till 6th sem.M applyin for MS EE in Fall'08. Can u suggest me some suitable univs?

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Regarding MS
by sreehari chandran on Nov 12, 2007 12:06 PM  Permalink 

Hi Karan,
I got a GRE score of 1310(760Q 550V) and an acads of 76%.Please let me know which colleges I can apply for MS in IT and Management in the US.

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University Selection
by Shavej Sayyad on Sep 15, 2007 02:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hi Karan,

This is Shavej. I got admit from the following universities for Spring 2008 session. Could you suggest me the best Masters MIS course from my list? If possible please take into Internship opportunities and placements.

My admitted university list is

1. University of Texas,Dallas (MS IT Management)
2. University of Missouri-Rolla(MS Information Science & Technology)
3. University of South Florida (MS MIS)
4. University of North Carolina, Charlotte (MS IT)

Thanks in advance.

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RE:University Selection
by aseen on Dec 19, 2007 11:57 PM  Permalink
babu don't give thanx in advance.
karan took it n left u here to be replied by me

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by Charuhas Jadhav on Aug 26, 2007 07:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is Ashley ,My GRE score is 1260(500-V 760-Q) and i have done my engg in Mechanical with 61% and currently pursuing a course in JAVA/J2EE and DBMS, i want to do my MS in MIS in US , can u suggest me some good colleges. Also, do I have any chance to get into Carnegie Mellon?

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by aseen on Dec 20, 2007 12:00 AM  Permalink
"charuhas " n that also "JJadhav" how funny!!
u changed ur name or got converted for this reason

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by swati giri on Apr 24, 2007 05:16 PM  Permalink 

hiee Karan,
This is Swati , i have scored 1490 in GRE(770in q 720 in verbal) and i have done my engg in Mech with 77% and currently workin in Infosys, i want to do my MS in MIS in US , can u suggest me some good colleges

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MS program in Electrical Engineering
by Raghavendra Gujjar on Mar 18, 2007 02:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear Sir,
I have secured a GRE score of 1280(Q=760 V=520). I'am in the 6th sem and wish to apply in the Fall of 2008. My aggregate is 68% till 4th semester. Can I make it into the top 50 universities for the program I wish to apply

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RE:MS program in Electrical Engineering
by aseen on Dec 20, 2007 12:10 AM  Permalink
u can't make bcos there's no resrvation for gujjars...join ppl in india to demand resrvation here in india first then extend to US.
had u been active this could have been done now.
now try in next 100 universities

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electronics microprocessor engg
by halley shitanshu on Mar 07, 2007 08:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

can u plz tell me about how to take addmission in australia in B.E i am in india punjab and terms and conditions and the availability of the electronics microprocessor engg. there

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RE:electronics microprocessor engg
by aseen on Dec 20, 2007 12:06 AM  Permalink
whats ur qualification...do u know anything about electronics...what is -microprocessor engg.?
ur in india punjab ok see u in australia punjab

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studying abroad
by anjani kumar on Feb 24, 2007 06:07 PM  Permalink 

Hello sir, this is anjani kumar . doing my bachelors in mechanical engineering,right now i am in my 3rd year. i always dreamed of doing my MBA in foreign universities. i have done very well in my engineering, scored nearly 80% of marks in all my semesters. so what initial steps should i take to make myself aware of all the universities abroad, regarding the admission procedure.rest all remains with reverence and respect.

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