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learn english
by kartik jha on Jul 15, 2010 10:45 PM  Permalink 

what is english?
english is a language which spoken in wholl world.
ever one can speak english write english and english.each of us can learn english.we have the power of learing english.find out it is in you and you your self find out wher its.

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how will i increase my vocabulary skill....?
by Guest on Dec 22, 2008 01:03 PM  Permalink 

Hi ,
I'm swapnes...i want to increase my word power to make comfortable myself in communition..give me suggestions,tips to remember words as much as possible...on my email id-swapnes.2001@gmail.com ....i'll be thankful to u a lot....

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what my sop should contain?
by ritu agrawal on Mar 08, 2008 07:13 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am ritu agrawal,and I m pursuing my BVSC and AH(veterinary science).Now its time for me to make my resume,and in this i would like to submit my sop.so if u could plz help me that wat a sop should contain and how i can write all information in a precise way,i will be very obliged to u.

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RE:what my sop should contain?
by Dharmendra J Solanki on Jul 07, 2008 04:16 PM  Permalink
You can visit some sites where sample resumes are available (from the point of beautification information). Just select 1 pattern and go ahead in reverse manner with your current status. It works. Need not to pay hafty amount for resume builders : who charge any thing bet: 500-5000/-

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by karthik on Aug 27, 2006 01:24 PM  Permalink 

Education is ornament in prosperity and refuge in adversity

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How to master Word Power
by Deepak Bairwa on Sep 20, 2005 03:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I read your article, it was very useful for improving the english and speaking. It was told in the article that 700 words are enough. What are those words for mastering the english.


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Re: How to master Word Power
by Guest on Jan 12, 2009 05:41 AM  Permalink
please i also want to know that what are those 700 words

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RE:How to master Word Power
by Dharmendra J Solanki on Jul 07, 2008 04:10 PM  Permalink
did you get the reply with 700 words. I still wonder - what is that. While reading news paper normally we come across very uncommon words and are bound to use dictionary.

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700 words
by vinesh on Sep 19, 2005 10:56 PM  Permalink 

cud u just elaborate a bit more, how to select those 700 words.

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word power
by m v naidu on Sep 19, 2005 07:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please do mention the books to be read.
Please do inform the importance of synonmys.
Please do mention the title of the available books in India.
Lastly the importance of Wren and Martin.

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RE:word power
by Dharmendra J Solanki on Jul 07, 2008 04:13 PM  Permalink
Books does not make conversation / vocabulary perfact. We need to practice it. I have many books on the sub. but when we lack parctice the efforts go vein. I suggest go for good dictionary / books - read articles in news paper. A good dictionary will help a lot.

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