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what will be SEL's IPO future??
by Vaibhav on Oct 03, 2005 02:50 PM  Permalink 

The informartion provided by u is fully packed with the knowledge. But can u predict abt SEL's future??
What measure issue can play important role in deciding it's future price??

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invest shares
by USUF KHAN on May 14, 2005 11:23 AM  Permalink 

Dear sir I want 2 invest in shares market but I d"now how

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Interesting Read
by chaitanya on Apr 12, 2005 01:59 PM  Permalink 

Hey ,
this article is very educative for novice people in this field of stocks and trades.
Especially with all the available detailed links, the article is defntly worth a read to understand the real scenario in case of IPOs


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Good Article
by DSK Rao on Mar 29, 2005 12:09 PM  Permalink 

It is a very good & balanced article. Would have been more beneficial had it been it was a couple of months before. Keep it up.

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