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study in U.S
by on Jul 26, 2007 06:30 PM  Permalink 

My name is Devang Panchal, and i m studying in melbourne , doing biomedical engineering from RMIT University. I am in first year doing 2 sem, and i wish to go to U.S for my last two years of degree, the reason y i wanna go there is bcoz , i have heard that one can get scholarships over there by appearing for some international exams like (SAT,GRE ...) and it is possible to transfer your credits of the course. So according to you what should be my strategy to make it to U.S for my last two years of degree? and do i need to give any exams ?

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by Prateek Mehrotra on Apr 08, 2006 02:36 AM  Permalink 

Hello Mr karan, Iam Prateek a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a private college located in Bhopal, M.P.
Presently Iam working at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as Design Engineer. I have plans to persue MS from some university of USA. Could u please help me pertaining this matter. Also can this experience of mine can fetch me scholarships.

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CPA related
by namritarandhawa on Sep 26, 2005 03:09 AM  Permalink 

I have done B.Com & currently working with A bank as executive. I am intrested in pursuing CPA. What are the formalities & prerequities for the visa & edducation . Is it easy to get the visa

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cfa us detail
by ASHISH on Jul 26, 2005 12:12 AM  Permalink 

sir i wanna know what is the 48 month training requirement of cfa of us. is articleship from ca institute of india is counted in it. if i clear its 1st level when can i give exam for level 2

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can get information my PG@uk,us
by Arjun singh on Jun 04, 2005 02:05 PM  Permalink 

Hello Sir
I am Arjun iam doing my degree in streem of B.Com(Hons) can suggest me which course is help me out in future @which place.I need compleat Information

Best Regarding
Arjun Singh

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