The Article being posted is very informative. But still a lot is to known about the Precautions that should be taken while net banking. Further as we have seen in Mphasis Case when such things happen it really shakes up the Confidence of public at large who are already not very inclined towards going Hitech. I would like to know what care should be taken while Using Credit Cards and where are possible pitfalls if somebody can help plz mail
the article or tips given in the website is very useful especially for nontechies like a valuable information for us.its very good that rediff is educating the public in all aspects and helping us to be informed at the earliest..
If I am not wrong , you are Dr. D.S.K. Rao, who was once posted in NABARD Lucknow. I used to be Sanju's friend and used to visit you often. After leaving Lucknow I went to Delhi and met Mr. Sharma also who is a senior retired police commisioner.
I am trying to find you all since last few years. These days I am in China. If you remember me then please respond to my message, Convey my regards to Sanju and Mrs. Rao.
I have an ICICI online account and would like to add that the facility of sending SMS by the Bank after each transaction is very useful. This also doubly acts as a security check for preventing Fraud/Abuse.Yes, in the interest of the safety of funds , all online account holders must follow the suggestions given in the article.
yeah if we all end up doing all this all day to protect banking info we wont be left with any time to do anything else in life i guess. and i dont understand the idea of having to update the antivirus daily ???
RE:do all this and what else ?
by Dishant Doshi on Feb 22, 2007 01:11 PM Permalink
You have to update your antivirus at least once in a week if not daily. Because new viruses are being developed every week if you don't have time you can go for software like E Scan in which you don't have to do anything as soon as you are connected to the net the software itself takes all the updates from the main server purchase E Scan please visit regarding internet banking all these steps are neccessary as they are safe for your bank accounts otherwise anybody will remove money from your account.
Employess of mphasis / Msource have proved me right. I have always told the lurers/ the so called MNC credit card companies, to enhance their security systems.
I have advised all my family never to avail of credit cards even if they are offered for free. Its more of a headache than convinience. With everyone having to remember ten to twenty passwords, its a mental torture to remember the changed passwords.
Super net frauds are yet to surface in India, whilst the day is not far off, A sincere effort to create safer and complex software is the need of the hour.