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About GRE
by Jeevitha on May 08, 2005 03:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Presently,i`m doing my second year engineering.
I have a plan of doing my M.S.in united states.
May i know what are the steps to be taken currently inorder to boost up my GRE score.

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information regarding ICWA
by G on Apr 28, 2005 03:07 PM  Permalink 

Pls provide me detail information for doing I C W A or C S or C A.Is there any benefit on eligibility of completing M Com .

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computer science
by abhinaya on Apr 18, 2005 06:53 PM  Permalink 

would u ls tell me what are the universities and how much expensive to study in abroad , and also wat may be the subjects for cs student ....... thanking u

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Coool!! continue it
by Naman Goel on Apr 06, 2005 06:49 PM  Permalink 

well its great to find info bout GRE. but real botheration is finding univ. .If you cud help a bit in this direction, it will be great

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good write up!
by Arun on Apr 06, 2005 01:32 PM  Permalink 

hey siddhu,
good write up there.....but some coaching institutes do give the required edge....though the follow up study depends on the student.i found this article simple and informative.Articles on how to apply for the various universities in the us,sop preparation,bank loans available for students would be very useful....so i m looking forward for these on rediff

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about bigbook
by Dr.Brindha on Apr 05, 2005 09:27 PM  Permalink 

Iam taking up my gre in june. Does anyone have the idea where bigbook or its facsimile available? This is going to be a great help to me.

Thank you pals!

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The GRE exam
by Anand Balakrishnan on Apr 04, 2005 11:35 PM  Permalink 

This article is good and reminds me of my days in college 5 years back when I prepared for GRE. But I would disagree with the author suggesting using photocopies of books. We in India must be aware of Intellectual Property Right (IPR). Many MNCs still fear India has a poor IPR-safe guarding record. IN order to compete globally we need to be aware of the basic global issues around us. It is definitely not good to see a portal like Rediff publishing something like this.

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Good write-up...But
by Muddasir on Apr 04, 2005 04:09 PM  Permalink 

Thats a nice little info about the GRE but the author has not mentioned that soon the pattern of the GRE is going to change and is it better to write the exam before the change or after the change. Please comment..

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very subjective opinion
by vivek pandit on Apr 04, 2005 04:07 PM  Permalink 

The writers opinion i very subjective and generic...

His opinion on Princeton Review and Kaplan is his own ...

for a lot people , preparing from the books nd Cds may not be nougfh and as such none of the resources mentioned have an actual computer adaptive test ...so the gre experince would not be real...

lots of engineers use barrons ,much to their dismay , since memorising wordlists has for long been proved useless

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good help
by Bhavesh on Apr 04, 2005 03:31 PM  Permalink 

thanz a lot. this has certainly been enlightening.

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