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by rohit saha on Aug 11, 2005 08:06 PM  Permalink 

I want to know the criteria of selection for PhD program in top university and its requisites

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to know about future for biomedical inU.S.A
by santhosh on Jul 16, 2005 05:49 PM  Permalink 

basically i am a student of engineering i want to pursue my ms degree in U.S.A ,i want some details regarding biomedical field

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by Baisakhi Biswas on Jul 05, 2005 11:09 PM  Permalink 

I have done my M.A in English.will GRE help me to get scholarship in pursuing further studies or research in U.S,U.K or Europe?if not what are the exams related to this enquiry. pls inform me in detail.

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univ-expences-score rating
by gururaj on May 26, 2005 11:15 PM  Permalink 

i would like to know the score rating for a mech engg to get into top univ's.i would like to also know about the expences pre and post admission for an avg lifestyle guy.

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improving communication skills
by sanjay sharma on May 22, 2005 09:38 AM  Permalink 

hi, i find myself into trouble when suddenly questions are fired at me it is difficult for me to answer. i once apppeared for an interview there in a group discussion a topic was put up but i had nothing to say on the topic. How can we handle this situation?
should i read more stuff
kindly answer both of my queries

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about .NET
by anirudh on May 18, 2005 11:51 AM  Permalink 

I want to know how .NET is useful for an engineering student and how to acquire this course,effeciently.
i want to know wat r the institutions which are providing this course(in hyderabad).

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