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i dnt know
by abhi on Nov 30, 2004 08:09 PM  Permalink 

hey madam.
I hve read 3-4 articles of yours on a trot now, mostly due to the large impression u create in my mind of a person who has a fantastic sense of gauging opportunity and also of one who really gets a crystal clear picture of reader's thoughts and frames her ideas on those lines.
This article also followed the same lines...but what prompts me to write a review this time is that it was at a couple of places, immensely pathetic ( srry for the crudeness.)
I dnt see myself coming back to another of ur articles.U just lost an intelligent reader...bye.


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Big deal...
by madhu on Nov 30, 2004 06:35 PM  Permalink 

Rashmi, I never understand what you are trying to convey in your columns. Agreed that coaching institues cannot make a person crack CAT if they don't have even the basic intelligence..but then what is your point? Who will tell them that they don't have the basic intelligence and so, they should not give CAT a crack..or not go to coaching institutes since this will do them no good. In one of your earlier articles, you stated that one of your colleauges 'discovered' one fine day that he had been working so hard for 5 years in a liquor company just to sell a few extra bottles of alcohol. And then you stated that it is the same with all the MBAs...if it is not a few extra bottles of alcohol, it is something else but the emotion remains the same. Again I fail to understand your point. Business is all about selling better, whatever you are selling. If you are not interested in selling 'whatever', why pursue MBA at all..I am sure you realize that most people read your columns because you are an IIMA grad...so in a sense you are also selling yourself...

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