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Products of license raj
by Prof R K Gupta-India on Sep 13, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink 

IITs and IIms are nothing but product of old and silly Nehruvian model of economic growth and license raj.Financed by Government and interneational aid ,they ahve been wasting lot of resources with almost nil contribution to body of real and usable knowledge.They are nurseries for MNcs and foreign compnaies where they head after education.In fact we can say these are export units.Most of the guiys working there are howllow and arrogant and this applies to most of research institutes in india set up after indepemndence.these guys have learn how to avouid practical consultancy and drag prospective client til he is dead.It is sickening.industry must stop hyping them and look for good talent everywhere at moderate salries.This is based on my long exprience in senior executive positions and academic experience as Engineering and Management Professor too.Not listening will prove for our system costly.

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I dont think so.
by Rahul Moondra on Jan 31, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink 

I agree that IIMs have made a brand name for themselves but like every other PSUs they have made that brand name in vaccum i.e. when there was absolutley no competition and the resources given to them were impacible.
But I believe that there current arrogance and refuse the best they can offer to masses will lead to thier downfall.

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Is the 'IIM' brand invincible? by Rashmi Bansal
by S Khanna on Sep 10, 2006 08:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Content is good but you need to stop interpreting everything in terms of caste- this is the second article of yours where it is mentioned (see MBA Caste System. Do I sense a bias/prejudice as evidenced by these 2 articles I have read? - there may be more but I am not going to be reading any more of your caste-colored writing. Get over the Caste reference Ms. Bansal or you will be doing yourself a great disfavour. I expected more caliber from an IIM-A.

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RE:Is the 'IIM' brand invincible? by Rashmi Bansal
by Prof R K Gupta-India on Sep 13, 2007 01:49 PM  Permalink
Author is right new creamy layers and self laudatory classes are emerging in society.IAS,IPS,IIM IIT and they write this as if they have achieved Gold medal in Olympics.This all must be made illegal .Most of those creamy layers are forming new layers in society and working in networks. It is just hype no equality and content better than others.You have inadvertently in last line of your comment said what I have bene saying.Our illussion that there is better quality in IIM grads.There is none such things.There is no need for you to doubt the quality as there is none exisiting.Let us come out of emotionl;a and illogiocal conslusion fed to us by their netwoork,marketing and media hype.

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Re: RE:Is the 'IIM' brand invincible? by Rashmi Bansal
by nikhil patidar on Jul 06, 2013 01:07 AM  Permalink

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Re: RE:Is the 'IIM' brand invincible? by Rashmi Bansal
by nikhil patidar on Jul 06, 2013 01:07 AM  Permalink

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SCMHRD-Non-existant in 1978 !! Check facts
by Neha on Jun 04, 2005 04:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please get your facts right...SCMHRD was established in 1993, 1978- is SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management.

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RE:SCMHRD-Non-existant in 1978 !! Check facts
by Doubter on Jul 26, 2005 10:00 AM  Permalink
Are you from IIPM?

Looks obvious with all your "Dare to think beyond" type of sentences! ;-) But still....

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Taking ready made cream and selling it is not big deal
by LAPTIRP on May 21, 2005 06:02 PM  Permalink 

Your message about IIMs, XLRIs, IIFT ..... and run of the mill college, all have a strategy. Take the best students and sell them as your products. There are other colleges who actually dare to think beyond and select not the best, but your average student and then convert it into a saleable product, not out of compulsion but out of choice. Anybody who gets out of these top colleges might be good at academics, but not at selling combs to bald men or icecream to eskimos because they are bound by the same case studies that have be rotating among student since the time that the colleges were established. Every student who comes out of IIM has the same flow of thoughts when confronted with a problem, he will be very predictable. Which is not the case with students from other colleges.
So choose your words well, before you dare to think only about IIMs.

Extracting gold, polishing it and then selling it is no art. But those who dare to think beyond, extract stone, polish it to shine like gold and sell it in the same gold market. WHO DO YOU THINK IS BETTER?? PLEASE USE BRAINS TO ANSWER THE QUESTION, NOT EMOTION.

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This article is too cool for todays techno enthu guys..!!!
by Bhavik, Mumbai on Mar 26, 2005 03:03 PM  Permalink 

Delivers a balanced comparision to the IIMs B-schools

and there are hidden guidelines one can see for his/her

career option

In nut-shell, a very good artilce


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Are Educated people perptuating the caste system
by sri on Nov 17, 2004 07:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I expected at least the higly (over)rated IIM grads to shun casteism which is root cause of much of India's problems specially the caste based politics. When will we grow up and unshackle the chains posed by vested higher caste Indians. Even converted Christians and Hindus in our country retain the original caste . Its time we rise above mere caste divisions and imbibe the spirit of great poet Tagore "--Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls--"

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RE:Are Educated people perptuating the caste system
by Gaurav Johari on Aug 02, 2005 08:45 PM  Permalink
I second Sandeep...

FMS has been a fore runner in the field of Management Education. It's the first and the only institute to offer a two year full time MBA (Management of Services), with a vision to be "Second to None".

I have no doubt - FMS rules

IIMs watch out...

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by sandeep on Nov 08, 2004 10:09 PM  Permalink 

Its unfortunate that the author has completely missed out the pioneer in management education in the country, Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi in her article. The faculty started its management programmes in 1954 and is one of the few institutes at par with the IIMs. Its placements and alumni strength are better than some of the newer IIM's.

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