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by Suman Gumma on Feb 26, 2006 12:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Hello Madame
How exactly should a BPO resume look like.
How is it different from other resumes.
Wat exactly do the recruiters look for in a 22yr old B.E tech.background student.

G.Suman B.E CSE

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by Ayush prasad on Jan 31, 2007 03:10 PM  Permalink
Are u out of your mind?? You have got a B.E and you want to work in a BPO??..Get into some field that is respectable as per your education.BPO is for those who is left out with no choice in life.someone 12th pass or just appearing simple Graduation..Please Shape your Career wisely

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by luvssss on Jan 31, 2007 05:49 PM  Permalink
Learn to respect work. You are nobody to say that a BPO job is not respectable. Its much better than people working in gas stations in US.

I hope U heard something like 'dignity of labor'.

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by luvssss on Jan 31, 2007 05:48 PM  Permalink
Learn to respect work. You are nobody to say that a BPO job is not respectable. Its much better than people working in gas stations in US.

I hope U heard something like 'dignity of labor' .

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Please Guide me.
by jyothi on Oct 28, 2005 02:18 PM  Permalink 

Hi, I want to know what future i will have in these BPO's,as i'm looking forward for a great future and imagine myself in a good position.Please guide me as i am very much confused regarding my future.

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BPO is good for starting ur carrier
by Yogesh Shinde on Oct 27, 2005 12:32 PM  Permalink 

I have more than 5 yrs in Software Industry and developed softwares for call centers. I found it is very good experience to start carrier. But as far as growth,job stasfaction and pressure is concerned it is no longterem affair to carry on. U can earn money very fast as well gers board also.
.. Yogesh

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Is there any good career with BPO?
by Rajbir Singh Bisht on Dec 22, 2004 08:25 AM  Permalink 

Hi Sir/Madam,

I wants to know whether a person should go for a career with BPO or not? As per the article in rediff I have seen two type of articles are there and I am realy confusd about the same. Please send me the all departments details in a BPO.

Rajbir Singh Bisht

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by nilesh ganeshan on Dec 22, 2004 02:21 AM  Permalink 

Apropos ... the article

1) BPO not viewed as a long term career
reasons: growth in the sector is limited. it may well happen that inspite of working ur fingers to the bone for 10 yrs , ur remuneration hasnt seen much appreciation

2) high aspirations
i dont think so. Lookin to make a fast buck.... yeah.
a recent reconnaisance by a leading surveying agency indicates that a sizeable portion of bpo employees (arnd 40%) comprise of undergraduate students looking to make a fast killing by using their spare time..this is coz practicals and exams can always wait but owning that ritzy pair of heel shoes or that new dvd playa thats making waves cant!!!

3)talent poaching
mmm..really hard to say..since the "TALENT SET" required to work for a bpo essentially remains the same across different bpo's and since the salary structure too follows the same patterns..wonder y one wud want to quit for supposedly "greener pastures"

4)stress and pressure that go hand in hand with the job yess and a very pivotal factor this
and probably the most predominant reason for quitting bpo's.burning the midnight oil, , trying to perfect the juggling act btwn home and family... aint no childs play

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by nilesh ganeshan on Dec 22, 2004 02:08 AM  Permalink 

Apropos ... the article

1) BPO not viewed as a long term career
reasons: growth in the sector is limited. it may well happen that inspite of working ur fingers to the bone for 10 yrs , the remuneration hasnt seen much appreciation

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BPO issues
by gopal krishna on Dec 20, 2004 01:51 PM  Permalink 

While the personnel service for the US client, is obviously working in night shifts.Working in night shift is not acceptable to persons who are in their 30"s since they have to care for their health,family in general and such working hours will be hectic for him.(forget the pay he's getting)

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comments about BPO environment
by Parveen Sharma on Dec 19, 2004 11:46 AM  Permalink 

I would like to get u all know that the working environment in the BPO's is not so well.
the work-load is actually a big problem.
they makes the person to work untill he can.
even for 24 or 36 or even more hours continously

so the person gets irrigated.

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BPO facing problems
by Nik on Dec 19, 2004 07:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A point by point analysis of this..article
1.BPO not seen as a long term career:
Obviously not..who would want to spend their lives like some nocturnal beast of burden?we are human beings, not automata.We require at least the basics of human comfort , and will not change our sleeping habits based on global job shifts.
2.High Aspirations:
Yes, of course, in addition to sacrificing our life and health, how dare we want "wealth"?
Wealth creation is reserved for the people who own the company and use us.
3.Good talent is prone to poaching:
Good talent?What are the qualities that make up this elite? Are they going to change the face of India?
POint 2: Having started the company based on the principle of capitalism and free trade, where other companies try to get a better deal, the owners then complain when their employees try to get a better deal.this is a sick joke.
4.. Employees face pressure at home and at work.
Hmm. i wonder why.

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RE:BPO facing problems
by kenbasar basar on Feb 01, 2007 10:36 AM  Permalink
It seeems that you are jealous with the amount of money that they are getting in BPO.Cool down and visit Dell or HP support center.



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